Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn

TEASER TUESDAYS : Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading ~ I always look forward to reading everyone's teasers!

My 2 “Teaser” Sentences:

So he hunted lycanthropes and vampires. I really wanted to get on this guy's good side, as impossible as that seemed at the moment.

~ p. 76, “Kitty and the Midnight Hour" by Carrie Vaughn

From the back cover:

Kitty Norville is a midnight-shift DJ for a Denver radio station—and a werewolf in the closet. Sick of lame song requests, she accidentally starts "The Midnight Hour," a late-night advice show for the supernaturally disadvantaged.

After desperate vampires, werewolves, and witches across the country begin calling in to share their woes, her new show is a raging success. But it’s Kitty who can use some help. With one sexy werewolf-hunter and a few homicidal undead on her tail, Kitty may have bitten off more than she can chew…

~ Wendi


  1. Great teaser! Glad you enjoyed mine, too!

  2. Oh, I love that. This is not usually a genre I read, but that teaser has spark!

  3. Great teaser! I've heard good things about this series, but haven't had a chance to pick it up yet.

  4. I'm not generally interested in vampires or werewolves, but I have to admit those are intriguing teasers! Very nice.

  5. Nice teaser. Not really my sort of book but I'm still intrigued.

  6. Well, Lycanthrope- there is a good word for Wondrous Wednesday over at Bermuda Onions. I sure don't know what that is. Here is mine

  7. I have this whole series in my TBR and can't wait to get to them!

  8. I have never really been into books about vampires. The only ones I've ever read were the Anne Rice books and that was a short phase. I hope you enjoy the book though! :)

  9. Interesting. Looking forward to your thoughts.

  10. I am a big fan of werewolves and vampires (in books!). Nice teaser!

  11. great teaser. looks like a cool book. glad you enjoy mine.

  12. Wow, that teaser sounds exciting!

  13. Ooohhh, this sounds like something I'd really love! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Great teaser. I might have to find myself a copy of this series.

  15. I guess I wouldn't want to be on his bad side! Great teaser Wendi!
    Mine is here.

  16. Not my normal type of book, but it sounds fun :)

  17. Great teaser, very intriguing!

  18. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but I hope you are enjoying these books!

    My TT post is here.

  19. "I'm gonna wait til the midnight hour
    that's when my love comes tumbling down.
    I'm gonna wait for the midnight hour
    when there's no one else around...

    Now how does the rest of that song go — darn it, Wendi, now I'm gonna be humming that tune all night (well, till the Midnight Hour anyway)!

    I liked Remus Lupin but he was an exception, I don't usually have a thrist for these type of books.

    Thanks for visiting my teaser!

  20. Nice teaser! Those books sounds like a lot of fun.


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