Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Thinger: Early Reviewers

Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.

Over the past few weeks, as we explore LT and blogging, I've seen a lot of comments about Library Thing's Early Reviewer program as a place that you receive books and ARCs from, and a few people even suggested adding the LTER program to the poll I did for where you get your books. Since it was a miracle that I got that poll to work the first time, and I had a lot of trouble with last weeks, I decided we would try it this week!

Fun facts from the February ER batch: There were 68 books available, with 1,760 copies available all-together. 2,093 people applied for one of 30 copies of Stupid American History: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness, and Mythconceptions by Leland Gregory!

Question: Were you aware of the Early Reviewer Program? Have you received any books from the program? If you have, how have you liked the book(s)? Any other thoughts on the LTER program?

Poll: Are You A Member of Library Thing Early Reviewers

My Answer: I joined the LTER program in August of last year, and I have not been selected for ANY books yet (I think I've applied for 3-4 each time). That said, after receiving notice that I wasn't selected, on one or two of the books that sounded really, REALLY great, I did do cold requests and have had some success with that! :)

Overall, I love the program. I always read through the current offerings, and often re-read the closed ones as well, in order to learn about upcoming books and add them to my wish list!

One of these days, I'm bound to be selected for one of the books, and until then, I'll continue to read through the descriptions, pick a few to sign up for, and cross my fingers that I might get chosen to review one. In the mean-time, I'll try to get all my reviews posted to the site. . . I think I got behind in December and haven't even attempted to catch up yet - oops!

Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!

~ Wendi

If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!


  1. Love the Early Reviewers Program!! Here is my Tuesday Thinger:)

  2. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for coming by. Did you check out Little Lov’n Monday? Leave us a link and be entered to win a book.

    More on TT in a moment.

  3. Wendi,

    Arggg. Sorry about the misspelling.

    I belong to Shelfari not LT so I didn't know about Early Reviewers but am aware of arc programs. I get so many books from a variety of sources that I have no shortage and I'm wicked busy with blogs, forums and trading sites as it is.

    I enjoy coming here.

  4. Mine is up!


  5. I joined the ER program when it first started in the summer of 07. I have recieved several books but would put my ratings on them at about 50/50 whether or not I have liked them. Most of the time if I don't get a book I wanted I will usually either buy the book or check it out from the library. Great question Wendi!

  6. I am a member of Early Reviewers and have gotten several books that way. I'm expecting one any day now.

  7. Love the Early Reviewer's group! I got so busy last fall that this is my return to Tuesday Thingers! Thanks for hosting it!! Here's my post--The Optimistic Bookfool

  8. Wendi, I think it's terrible you haven't received a book yet! Makes me wonder how they decide. Do we know???

  9. Here's my post:


    I'm sorry that you haven't received any books yet, but you should keep trying. It took a few months before I got anything.

  10. I love Early Reviewers. My answer is here.

  11. Can't seem to get here early in the day for some reason. But my answer is up.

  12. Unfortunately I can't participate because most books are not sent to my country, but I think the program is a wonderful idea.

  13. I apologize for being late to the party - when I went to write my review, LT was down and I forgot which books were ER books! Anyway, here is my post.

    Wendi, don't worry, you will get a book eventually! It took me a few months and there were far fewer participants back then when the program started.

  14. Well, better late than not at all!
    Here is my blog entry.
    Wendi, I always hated it when I did not snag a book, but then I just decided to let it slide and be a surprise.
    thanks for the question

  15. I've had really good luck with the program; I've been selected 8 times over the past year or so. See which books I've received here

  16. What timing with your question! :)


  17. I love this program. Here is my post. :)

  18. So late to post yesterday...and even later to comment here. But I do have my answer up RIGHT HERE!

  19. Tuesday Thingers on Friday - good timing for this one, since February ER recipients and new ER books for March were posted this week!

  20. Hi Wendi,

    Just stopping by to let you know I awarded you an "I Love Your Blog" award. Stop by my blog and check it out!

  21. You have been given an award over on my blog:

    Come and check it out! :)


I LOVE to hear from you, so I hope you will take a moment and leave a comment. :) I am getting a lot of Spam comments, so I've temporarily removed the ability to leave Anonymous comments.