Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mailbox Monday

Many thanks to Marcia at The Printed Page for hosting Mailbox Monday every week!

It is so much fun to see what everyone is getting in the mail.

Thanks for taking the time to visit ~ I just love hearing from you! Please let me know if you have read any of these books - I'd love to hear how you liked them!! :)

I mailed out 17 books last week! Here are the books that came into my house last week:

Every Last Cuckoo by Kate Maloy - Fiction - I think this was a Shelf Awareness book, but I'm not sure.

Fix, Freeze, Feast by Kati Neville and Lindsay Tkacsik - Non-Fiction / Cooking

Nine Ways God Always Speaks by Mark Hemingshaw and Jennifer Schuchmann - Non-Fiction / Religion / Christian Life / Prayer - Received from the publisher for an upcoming WildCard Tour.

Palace Circle ARC by Rebecca Dean - Fiction / Romance - Many thanks to Marcia at The Printed Page for sending me her copy when she was done!! I can't wait to get this one read!! :)

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane ARC by Katherine Howe - Ficiton - Shelf Awareness

Stone's Fall ARC by Iain Pears - Fiction / Historical mystery - Shelf Awareness

What was in your mailbox last week??

If you would like to participate in Mailbox Monday, head over to The Printed Page and grab the logo. Make sure to visit other blogs hosting Mailbox Monday and comment/leave your link!


  1. I have heard good things about Palace circle :D

    I got one book last week, yay :)

  2. I got Stone's Fall too and since I read his first historical mystery from 10 years ago I can't wait to read this one, and compare notes. I love the cover of Every Last Cuckoo, I missed that ARC somehow. I love old words like "physick". Happy reading.

  3. Palace Circle and Deliverance Dane were both very enjoyable to me. Hope you like them as much as I did. Enjoy!

  4. You had a good week - enjoy the books!

  5. I got Every Last Cuckoo too. Looks fabulous, doesn't it?

  6. Looks like you got some good ones!

  7. those look like a bunch of good books...happy reading.

    here's my list:

  8. You had another great week. Every Last Cuckoo looks good to me - hope you enjoy it.

  9. Congratulations on sending out so many books!

  10. Terrific week! I haven't read any of these. Eager to hear your thoughts.

  11. Wow! The post office must be happy to see you coming! You got some great books too. I've heard of all of them but haven't read any. I do have Deliverance Dane and need to get started on it. Have a great week!

  12. You did well this week. I haven't read any of these books. Enjoy your reading week

  13. You did well. I always love to see the cookbooks you get.

  14. I am very interested in The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  15. I love the cover of the Cuckoo book. :)

  16. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane sounds good. Enjoy your new books!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  17. You have given me an idea to sometimes post good books I have sent to other people's mailboxes too. Looks like you had a good week of incoming books. Happy reading! :)

  18. Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. You're most welcome for 'Palace Circle'. Enjoy your books!


I LOVE to hear from you, so I hope you will take a moment and leave a comment. :) I am getting a lot of Spam comments, so I've temporarily removed the ability to leave Anonymous comments.