Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday Thinger: New Library Thing Widgets!!!

Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.

I know we have looked at the widgets section on Library Thing before, but it appears that Library Thing has added an all-new widget building page, with more options than ever, including the ability to customize your widget, chose colors, animate your books so they change every 5, 10, 15, etc seconds, add your Amazon Associates ID, have your widget show a portion of your review and/or your rating, and much more!!

You can visit the LT blog to learn even more with their Widgets Get a Lot Better post!! OR . . . you can run over and play with your widget now by going here!!

Questions: Do you have a LT widget on your blog? If so, what is your favorite thing about it? Have you had a chance to go see the all new widget building page, and if so, have you built a new widget? If so, what do you like about it?

My Answer: Yes - I've got an older LT widget in my blog sidebar now. I like that each time I (or someone else) visits my blog, new books show in my widget. It is kind of fun to see the books I've read.

I just discovered the new widget building page today, so I've been playing with it to see if I could get a fun color scheme that would look good with my blog colors. I think I'll redo the new widget another day when I've got to the time to dig through the code on my site and find the color numbers so I can use the exact colors.

There are a few things that I LOVE about the new widgets: ability to customize the color scheme, the animated book covers that change automatically instead of only when the page is refreshed, and the ability to add my Amazon Associate ID (not that it will do anything, but you never know!!). :)

PS - I did go back and work on tweaking my widget after writing this post, and I have to add another favorite. Under the Customize Style section of the building page, you can change the width of your widget to "Fill the Space" which worked great for me, because the thin was TOO thin, and the medium overlapped with my border just a bit!! Yeah - it works now!!

Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!

~ Wendi

If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!


  1. I have been meaning to get a LT widget going. I love the new options. Now to find a day that I can chill a bit. :)

  2. I have one, but your post has inspired me to go back and poke around their widget page a bit more in the next few days. Thank you for that.

  3. I have written my first thinger :)
    And now I really need some breakfast, lol

    My first post can be found Here

  4. My post is only short because I'm very jet-lagged, but here it is.

  5. Thanks for the heads up about the widgets. Who know when I would have gotten around to noticing them.

    I played this week fr the first time. My answer is here: http://www.linussblanket.com/2009/04/tuesday-thingers/

  6. I don't have a LT widget on my blog, but I may have to go play with that new feature. Thanks for pointing it out.

  7. Good question. I don't have a widget - here is why!

  8. I did have the old one and soon I will have the new one...and here is my post.

  9. It took some fidgeting, since Blogger has such narrow sidebars, but my new widget is working!

    My post is here.

  10. I came for my weekly LibraryThing lesson and you didn't disappoint me. First off, I didn't know there was a LT blog and I hadn't looked at the widgets. (I'm still working on entering my books.) Thanks. I'm off to try some new Things.

  11. Nice! I like how much more customization is available. Here's my post.

  12. I just changed from blogger to wordpress and thought it was a miracle that I managed to get my LT widget up there...am having so many problems with installing widgets in general. I'll have to see if I can install the new version but not without taking the old one off just yet!!
    I'm a big fan of LT and just now discovered Tuesday Thinger :-).

  13. great tuesday thinger, I've got my new widget

    my thoughts on tuesday

    as you can see you have successfully tutored me on posting a link in a comment, thanks again!

  14. I saw the LT blog post about the new widgets. Just haven't had time to get over there and play. I will one of these days soon. Thanks for showing us how!

  15. Here's mine!


  16. My post is up finally...


  17. Wendi, I too was very sad when Julie Garwood moved to Contemporary...I own all her historicals and reread them often. Since then I started reading Kleypas, Balogh and Candace Camp. I hope they never disappoint!

    This week's post.

  18. I'm a big fan of the new widgets! Finally did one for my blog the other day :-)

    BTW, I have given you an award, you can pick it up here: http://www.melissas-bookshelf.com/2009/04/splash.html


I LOVE to hear from you, so I hope you will take a moment and leave a comment. :) I am getting a lot of Spam comments, so I've temporarily removed the ability to leave Anonymous comments.