Monday, July 6, 2009

Tuesday Thinger: Too Much Networking?

Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.

Christine over at Erotic Book Junkies / Romantic Crush Junkies actually gave me the idea for this post a while back. There are so many wonderful resources available to us as bloggers and individuals. Take a look at just a few of the many social networking sites: Facebook, MySpace, Library Thing, GoodReads, Twitter. . . the list can go on and on!

Sometimes it is hard to keep up with everything, and sometimes we all need a place just for us - where we don't have any blogger responsibilities.

Questions: How do you feel about social networking sites? Do you have any you like more than others? Are there any you don't like? Do you have any that you don't associate with your blogs and/or book reviewing? If you could only belong to one of these sites, which one would it be and why?

My Answer: I really like many of the social networking sites. I am a member of all of the ones I've mentioned above, and probably a few more.

There are a few I like better than others. Facebook is a favorite of mine because it is so great for finding people and keeping in touch/updated. And I love Library Thing for the book side of things because it is so easy to use and seems pretty complete to me.

Least favorites? MySpace - I really only use it to find old friends from school who are not on Facebook, otherwise, I don't think I've ever posted anything over there of left any updates. I'm also not the biggest fan of GoodReads or Shelfari as I don't find them as easy to use - although to be honest, I haven't explored either one like I have Library Thing.

I was originally going to try to keep my book-self and my personal-self apart on sites like Facebook and MySpace, but found myself giving up, and I'm kind of glad I did. It is fun to keep up with EVERYONE bookish and relatives alike. I do find that I don't post many of my blog posts to Facebook though - just when I feel really strongly about a book or post.

I think if I could only belong to one site, it would have to be Facebook. I've got a lot of relatives that I've been able to find and keep in touch with via the site - even some in Norway. I'm not willing to give that up, although Library Thing is a close second. :)

Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!

~ Wendi

If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!


  1. My first response post to your Tuesday Thingers:

    Overall, I find that this weekly post has taught me a lot about LibraryThing.

  2. Which of the book sites did you first discover? I started with Goodreads, and I find it to be the easiest to use; I find LT to be the most confusing...

  3. Hello thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog! Oh, I haven't seen this meme before - it looks like fun.

    Here is my latest post:Tuesday Teaser if you would like to have a look!

    Take care,


  4. Great questions. I like the idea of Facebook helping you keep up with people far away. We travel a lot and it would be an easy and relatively safe way to keep up with vacation acquaintances.

  5. I use Library Thing, Good Read and Twitter. I've resisted Facebook because I'm afraid it will be a major time suck and I just don't need another one of those.

  6. I use Facebook, Twitter, Library Thing, and Goodreads. I try really hard not to be a slave to social networking; I really don't get the stumble upon, buzz, and other sites like those.

    And I agree with Elena: you have taught me a lot about Library Thing!

  7. I'm not sure which one I like better: Shelfari or Library Thing? I guess I'll know the more I use them.

    It's true that MySpace and Facebook are good for finding people, but I try to avoid using my Facebook account. There was a time a while back where I was somewhat addicted to it; I would have all sorts of applications on my page! I also tried the library app too, but I don't think I liked it much.

    All in all, social sites are great to connect, and even catalog books, but then meeting friends in person just beats the virtual world alltogether.

    I'm sorry I rambled quite a bit, but this is a good post.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for commenting. I appreciate it. =)

    Happy reading!

  8. My favorite ones are GoodReads and Twitter. I am signed up for LT and Shelfari as well but somehow I don't visit them very often. One site that I do not associate with my blog is Gather, where I post different things, not only connected with books and the crowd is different, almost no bloggers there.
    I have never used and I don't think I ever will Facebook and My Space. The reason is I don't have old friends to connect there with since all my friends and acquaintances live in Poland. Besides I don't really like My Space's reputation.

  9. Tuesday Thingers on Friday - and yes, sometimes I feel like there CAN be too much networking :-).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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