Monday, October 12, 2009

Tuesday Thinger: To Shelve, Or Not To Shelve

Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.

With the popularity of ebooks increasing (at least I'm seeing them more and more in reviews and Mailbox Monday posts), especially with easy-to-use eReaders like the Sony ebook reader, the Kindle, etc, it made me think about whether a reader would include ebook versions of books in their shelves on Library Thing.

I did a search of tags and found that the tag "ebook" (including: ebook, !ebook, Digital Book, E Book, e-book, e-books, ebooks) was used used 118,241 times by 1,557 users. This means that at least a few people are using the site to document their ebooks as well as their physical books. I also thought it was interesting that 6 out of the 20 books shown to have these tags were written by David Weber.

Questions: Do you read ebooks? Have you used Library Thing to record ebooks in your book shelves? Whether you do or don't currently read ebooks, if you read one, will you be including it in your book shelves, and will you tag it as an ebook?

My Answer: I have and do periodically read ebooks, although I find real books easier and quicker to read for review purposes. Until today, I had never even considered including an ebook in my shelves, although I guess it should be fair-game, as it is simply another format of the same book, like a standard paperback or hardback. So. . . no ebooks currently in my LT book shelves, although I guess I will consider adding them in the future. I will certainly include the term ebook in my tags when appropriate.

Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!

~ Wendi

If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!


  1. Hi Wendi, I used to read a lot of ebooks but did not practice cataloguing it in LT or anywhere else.

  2. Well I don't have anything to read an ebook on. I have been tempted to buy a Kindle but hubby keeps telling me that it will be outdated and a new one will come out proably soon. So I wait. LOL yeap you bet I would add my ebooks over at Library thing.

  3. I do read some e-books, but only put them on LT after I've read them. I put regular books on there as soon as I get them.

  4. Mine's up!

  5. Good questions. My thoughts on e-reading are here:

  6. I just down loaded the kindle program to my IPHONE so I hope to try one soon. (The screen may be too small though--not sure).

  7. A little late today, due to the fact that it was a work day, but my answer...and a picture of Bandit is HERE!

  8. It's a book. I follow the same rule of thumb I do for regular books. It goes up once I've read and reviewed it. Not that I have many Ebooks to read. I've definitely found that I prefer hardcopy.

    On a different subject, I have an award waiting for you:

  9. I don't read ebooks. I got one from LT as an early reviewer and procrastinated so much i just bought the hardcover and reviewed that.

  10. I just started reading ebooks. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    All the very best,


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