While I was reading Cinch! the weight-loss resource really makes sense to me (I'm calling it a resource here because it is designed to be 30 day program and you are provided with shopping lists, menus, recipes, advice, and facts). Cynthia Sass did a great job of talking about some of the issues we face and why we have a weight problem in the first place. No, don't worry, there were no lectures, rather just a few short paragraphs about eating tendencies and food choices. What I really liked was her explanations for the foods she chose to include and what they provide (ie - nutrients, antioxidants, etc).
As you get into the book, you learn that it is designed to be a 30 day program that you then continue based on the habits you've built. Cynthia has a 5-Day Fast Forward section within the book that is strictly optional. She even includes a quiz to help you decide if the Fast Forward is for you. In the Fast Forward part of the program, you eat only 5 items in different combinations for 5 days. The foods are spinach, raspberries, almonds, egg, and yogurt (she goes into what type/flavor etc in the book). If you don't think you can make it for the Fast Forward, she suggests you simply start the main section of the book.
Some of the things I liked about this book were:
~ The explanations on why Cynthia chose the foods she did, you don't have to do this on faith alone
~ The amount of recipes Cynthia included are great
~ Chocolate!!! This program encourages you to have a small amount of chocolate EVERY day
~ Shopping lists, recipes, and menus are provided. You simply choose recipes you want to use.
~ Buying some items in bulk and storing them is suggested (with GREAT tips on how to prepare and store them for ease of use throughout the week/month)
Some things to be aware of:
~ The program is based on nutrition, so things like sugar, pop, red meat, etc are out.
~ You are allowed only one cup of coffee
~ The 5 Day Fast Forward is STRICT, but will show you results!!
~ You really need to make a commitment to make this work
~ A big part of the program is the TIMING of when you eat and how often. If you typically have a hectic schedule, you may have trouble eating 4 meals spaced every 3-5 hours (first within one hour of waking up, then every 3-5 hours)
~ If you have picky eaters who aren't interested in weight-loss, you may end up needing to make two sets of meals (obviously if you only cook for yourself, this is NOT an issue)
Overall, I love the book. The things Cynthia goes over make sense and are helpful, and even if I don't follow the program 100%, I am walking away with better habits and the information behind WHY certain foods are important and others should be avoided. Knowing to me is half the battle!
by Cynthia Sass
HarperOne (December 28, 2010) ~ 304 pages
Non-Fiction / Health / Diet and Weight Loss
Edition Reviewed: Advance Review Copy - Review copy received courtesy of the publisher and One2One Network, many thanks for sending me a copy to review!
About the Book:
There are no calories to count; no points or grams to memorize.
Just begin choosing four daily meals from over one hundred delicious options (along with a mandatory daily chocolate escape), and you're well on your way to achieving your weight-loss goals. In thirty days on the Cinch! plan, you'll shed pounds and inches—and overcome emotional eating in the process.
Acclaimed weight-loss expert Cynthia Sass has arrived at the exciting secret to sustainable weight loss: her innovative combinations of clean, nutrient-rich foods not only maximize fat-burning but also deliver a faster, healthier metabolism forever. Following the plan is as simple as putting together an easy-to-understand fivepiece puzzle at every meal and enjoying four delicious, easy-to-prepare meals in addition to a chocolate treat. The Cinch! plan includes a full thirty days' worth of quick-fix, satisfying meals and teaches you a simple strategy for creating your own, so you know exactly what, how much, and when to eat, whether you're at home, at a restaurant, or on vacation. Cinch! makes weight loss simple, with meals you'll look forward to eating (no "diet" foods). And best of all, Sass starts her plan with an innovative five-day "Fast Forward," which jump-starts the plan's impressive results and will leave you feeling lighter and healthier.
If you've been trying to eat more clean, natural, and organic foods, but have lacked the structure needed to lose weight, this is the exact plan you've been waiting for. Cinch! includes every tool you'll need for weightloss success: Sass's proven plan, expert tips and advice, daily journals, grocery-shopping lists, chapters on exercise and emotional eating, and a month's worth of recipes—customizable for meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans. You'll enjoy Chocolate Pear Ginger Smoothies, JalapeÑo Guacamole, and Chicken Pesto Pitas—to name just a few luscious Cinch! options!
Best of all, Cinch! weight loss is lasting weight loss. In one month, you'll recalibrate your body, freeing yourself from cravings and erratic eating, and begin a satisfying new relationship with food. With Sass's expertise behind you, you'll be empowered to continue creating Cinch!-friendly meals and feel inspired by a wealth of new eating habits—making this so much more than a diet.
Excerpt: From Cynthia's Website
Pineapple Red Quinoa Parfait
5 Pieces, 4 Times a Day
When I created this plan I knew that the food had to be delicious and healthy, but above all the plan had to be easy. And it is (hence the name)!
Building Cinch! meals is as easy as 1-2-3…4-5. Each meal is constructed as a unique “puzzle” made from five pieces: produce, a whole grain, lean protein, plant-based fat, and specific seasonings—or, as I refer to them, S.A.S.S., which stands for Slimming and Satiating Seasonings.
Following the plan is as easy as knowing what the five pieces of the puzzle are and how much of each one to include at every meal, which becomes second nature within week one (there’s a cheat sheet in the book to help). This simple approach allows you to consistently Cinch! yourself whether you’re at home, at a restaurant or on vacation – no counting necessary.
Here’s an example of a brand new (not found in the book) easy breezy Cinch! breakfast or snack meal that’s perfect for this time of year. It’s hearty, incorporates in season fruit and will leave you with what I call the “Goldilocks effect” – not too little, not too much, but just right; you’ll feel full, but not overly full, satisfied, energized and no longer focused on food.
Pineapple Red Quinoa Parfait
Produce: 1 cup fresh pineapple, sliced into chunks
Whole Grain: ½ cup cooked, chilled red quinoa
Lean Protein: 6 oz plain organic 0% Greek yogurt or soy yogurt
Plant Based Fat: 2 Tbsp sliced almonds
SASS: ½ tsp cinnamon
Fold cinnamon into yogurt. In a dish alternate layers of pineapple, quinoa and yogurt. Garnish with almonds and dig in!
For 100 simply delicious Cinch! recipes, order your copy of the book today at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or pick one up wherever books are sold!
Copyright © 2010 by Cynthia Sass. All rights reserved.
5 Pieces, 4 Times a Day
When I created this plan I knew that the food had to be delicious and healthy, but above all the plan had to be easy. And it is (hence the name)!
Building Cinch! meals is as easy as 1-2-3…4-5. Each meal is constructed as a unique “puzzle” made from five pieces: produce, a whole grain, lean protein, plant-based fat, and specific seasonings—or, as I refer to them, S.A.S.S., which stands for Slimming and Satiating Seasonings.
Following the plan is as easy as knowing what the five pieces of the puzzle are and how much of each one to include at every meal, which becomes second nature within week one (there’s a cheat sheet in the book to help). This simple approach allows you to consistently Cinch! yourself whether you’re at home, at a restaurant or on vacation – no counting necessary.
Here’s an example of a brand new (not found in the book) easy breezy Cinch! breakfast or snack meal that’s perfect for this time of year. It’s hearty, incorporates in season fruit and will leave you with what I call the “Goldilocks effect” – not too little, not too much, but just right; you’ll feel full, but not overly full, satisfied, energized and no longer focused on food.
Pineapple Red Quinoa Parfait
Produce: 1 cup fresh pineapple, sliced into chunks
Whole Grain: ½ cup cooked, chilled red quinoa
Lean Protein: 6 oz plain organic 0% Greek yogurt or soy yogurt
Plant Based Fat: 2 Tbsp sliced almonds
SASS: ½ tsp cinnamon
Fold cinnamon into yogurt. In a dish alternate layers of pineapple, quinoa and yogurt. Garnish with almonds and dig in!
For 100 simply delicious Cinch! recipes, order your copy of the book today at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or pick one up wherever books are sold!
Copyright © 2010 by Cynthia Sass. All rights reserved.
About the Author: (from her site)
Cynthia is one of the first registered dietitians to become Board Certified as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). She is the nutrition consultant to the New York Rangers, Tampa Bay Rays, was the sports nutritionist for the Philadelphia Phillies from 2007-2009 and counsels professional athletes in numerous sports. Cynthia is the nutritionist behind and co-author of the #1 New York Times best seller Flat Belly Diet. She developed the eating plan for Prevention based on a combination of emerging research and over 10 years of experience as one of America’s most recognized nutritionists. She is also the co-author of the relationship book Your Diet is Driving Me Crazy: When Food Conflicts Get in the Way of Your Love Life and the Ultimate Diet Log. Her highly anticipated upcoming book Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and Lose Inches will be released December 28, 2010.*Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate
Cynthia is the former nutrition director and Grocery Guru columnist at Prevention magazine and is currently a contributing editor at SHAPE magazine. Check out Cynthia’s Weight Loss Coach column each month in SHAPE and her Weight Loss Coach blog on SHAPE.com.
Who Am I?
I adamantly believe in the power of food to optimize health and wellness, prevent disease and maximize the way you look and feel – inside and out! I have a passion for nutrition and can't imagine doing anything else for a living. In the decade and a half I've been counseling and educating people of all ages, I've seen amazing transformations, from hunger free weight loss to reversing the side effects of chronic diseases, surges in energy and athletic performance, younger looking skin and hair, improved sleep and digestion, fewer aches and pains, and untangling an unhealthy relationship with food.
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