Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Fit Learning Program: Makes it Fun and Easy to Prep Kids For The Coming School Year

Summer Fit Learning has created a great line of workbooks that you can use throughout summer with your child or children in order to prepare them for the coming school year and keep them physically and mentally active even when they aren't in school.  Each book emphasizes physical activity, reading, writing and math skills that are appropriate for each age (Pre-K through 5th Grade).

 I was really excited to join in the MediaGuests blog tour for the Summer Fit program, and Logan and I chose to try out the K-1 workbook even though he is going into Kindergarten.  He has a great grasp of his ABC's, basic writing, and his numbers, so I wanted the chance to give him a few challenges.

The workbook has a whole section just for parents, providing tips on using the workbook, the importance of fitness and safety, healthy eating and good nutrition, core values and the actual Summer Fit Exercise Program (which includes aerobic, strength and sport exercises). I loved the detailed description of each exercise and activity.

The workbook also provides an area for each section where you can write what the incentive for completing the weekly program (there are 10 weekly programs).  Kids get to check off the activities as they do them, and write their values for the day/week.  Then there are the actual work-pages, which include tracing and coloring, working with numbers (tracing, counting), working with upper-case and lower-case letters, working with patterns, drawing, shapes, feelings, and other fun activities.

The end of the book includes a section for parents with the answers, and a certificate of completion.

We have only done the first few days of workbook pages, and the incentive for completing week 1 is a fun outing.  So far, his favorite parts of the workbook are the coloring and matching activities.  There is a great variety of activities which keeps the learning fun and entertaining.

Check out this fun You Tube video on the Summer Fit Learning program:

 Summer Fit: K-1 Kindergarten to First Grade 
 by Summer Fit Learning
Available for Pre-K through Grade 5  ~ $12.95

Edition Reviewed: K-1 Workbook - Review copy received through the MediaGuests blog tour for my honest review

Check out Summer Fit Learning on Facebook - they post great information all the time!

They also have a great sample book online with samples from each workbook

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