Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bebe Bottom Skin Care - A Life Saver When Changing Dirty Diapers

If you had told me a year ago that changing dirty diapers could be painful and hurtful for baby, I would have looked at you funny (while I probably wouldn't have laughed AT you, I would have been laughing on the inside). We have two kids, and the first was so EASY to change when he had dirty diapers, and we RARELY had diaper rash with him... so I've been in shock with little one number 2!! Our littlest hates his diaper being changed and he isn't smelly, so sometimes he plays in a dirty diaper for a little long enough that the mess becomes a problem.

LOL - if you aren't a parent, or don't have a reason to change diapers - skip this post! (Unless you know someone who could benefit from this info) It may be TMI (too much information) for you. :)

In short, with our youngest, if he has a messy diaper, it tends to go un-noticed for a little bit, which ends up with a slightly dried-on hurtful mess. Plus, he hates cold diaper wipes, "Ouchie" was actually one of his first words, not because he hurt, but because the diaper wipes were too cold and I had to scrub at his poor bottom. Often he would have diaper rash, and it would make things worse.

Then, two weeks ago I discovered Bebe Bottom Skincare and I fell in love, and so did our youngest!

Their Baby Fresh Cleanser was developed to help fight diaper rash and make diaper changes easier and less painful.  It is a gentle, natural spray that you spray on when changing a diaper... I spray, count to 10, then wipe, and everything comes right off without any scrubbing!  Plus it smells great.  Our little one now laughs along and tries to count with me and diaper changes are no longer "Ouchies."  He had a bad diaper rash the day the bottle of bliss arrived on our doorstep, and within a day and a half it was GONE!

Baby Fresh Cleanser helps kill bacteria and is made from 88% organic ingredients.  (It includes ingredients such as Aloe and Tea Tree Oil).

It also benefits you by reducing the number of wipes you need during diaper changes.  They estimate that each bottle will last about 1 1/2 months or more.  I also noticed on their website that they recommend that adults can use it for personal hygiene as well.

And as always - a quick mention: This is a Washington family-owned company!!!!  I love to help support local Washington authors and companies.  :)

Baby Fresh Cleanser   
by Bebe Bottom Skincare

8 oz bottle ~ $9.75
Baby care
Also find them on Facebook

Edition Reviewed: Regular bottle of Baby Fresh Cleanser - Review sample received as part of a campaign with Karma Media to facilitate my honest review!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great product! I think it would be great for my husband. He uses like 10-15 wipes to clean a babies bottom LOL.


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