Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Coming Soon ~ Pinterest Projects: 2014

One of my good friends recently moved to another state, and I miss her dearly - we had game nights, football afternoons, and movie nights too. In an effort to stay connected over the distance, we decided to start a monthly Pinterest Project.

We agreed on the first one, and I am WAY behind!  We also decided we would include anyone who wanted to join us and we would also try to get some fun gifts (Christmas, birthday, teacher, etc) done during the year as well as some fun stuff just for us.

Here is the link to the Pinterest board I started to share our projectes in:  http://www.pinterest.com/wendibarker/project-pinterest-2014/

For January, we chose to do a painted canvas, decorated with glue before painting so that there is a raised image on the canvas.  It looks great!!

When I get mine done, I'll add a pic :)

~ Wendi

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