Sunday, February 1, 2009

Award Time!! Lemonade Award AND the Your Blog is Fabulous Award

Ohhh - Aren't awards fun? I was so honored to receive the Lemonade Award from Yvonne of Socrates' Book Reviews, the Your Blog is Fabulous from Teddy Rose of So Many Precious Books, So Little Time!

The Lemonade Award is for blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. There are so many blogs that deserve this award!
For this one, I'm going to choose a few of the blogs who regularly participate in the FIRST WildCard Tours, a group of bloggers who review Christian books. These bloggers all work hard to review and share the books on tour. A note about WildCard Tours - it is a free tour group where authors and/or publishers can have bloggers sign up to be a part of the WildCard Tour for their book. The bloggers agree to post the WildCard Tour of the books they sign up for, and are encouraged to include an honest review in the tour post.

So, the award goes to:

Wyn of Wyn is Reading Books - I really enjoy stopping by and reading her reviews, plus right now she has a really nice giveaway going on for the book Dear God, It's Me and It's Urgent!

Stacey of Word Up! - Stacey has some wonderful reviews, as well as some great posts on Bible Studies. I thought her current post Plagues - Old Testament? New? NOW! had some very good information and challenged the reader to really think.

Mimi B. of Woven by Words - Mimi has posted a great review of the book Scrapping Plans by Rebecca Seitz. I was hoping to get in on this tour, but didn't sign up in time. It was great to be able to read her review and the first chapter of the book!

(Isn't this button just adorable!!) Recipients of this award are encouraged to write five things that they are addicted to and then pass it on to five other blogs.

Five Things I'm Addicted To:

1. My family! Without a doubt - if my family members are available, I absolutely love to spend time with them. Extended family members actually complain a little that they never get to watch our son. :)

2. Books, Books, Books - As if you all didn't already know that! I LOVE reading. I love sharing my reviews, and talking about books with people - in fact, I participate in three different book clubs.

3. Crafts - When I'm not doing things with family or reading (which really hasn't been leaving me much time anymore), I love to do crafts. ANY crafts! I prefer to do Hardanger, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking and beading . . . but I also enjoy making candles, soap, stamping, sewing, spinning yarn, making cigar box purses, Pergamano paper crafts . . . . do you see where I'm going here . . . I really could go on and on here!

4. Chocolate - anyone who knows me really well knows that I've always got a stash of chocolate in at least two rooms in the house! LOL

5. Interactive games! Have you tried the Wii Fit yet? It is wonderful! And the bowling - we've had family over for entire days of Wii Bowling! Then we've got the XBox 360 Rock Band thing going on too - my niece loves to come sing or play the guitar - it really is fun! Bet you didn't know that about me! No - - - I'm not really a gamer, but I do like to play games WITH people, so I guess you can lump this one in with my number 1!

Now - to pick five more people to share this award with. . .

Amy of Passages to the Past - She has an amazing post about one of Queen Marie Antoinette's homes - the pictures she has shared are truly beautiful - I encourage you to stop by!

Janel of Janel's Jumble - Ohhh - the book she has recently reviewed is Sweet Love, and if the cover doesn't make you want to run out and pick it up, her review probably will!

Ramya of Ramya's Bookshelf - She has quite a few reviews up for books I've recently added to my wish list. :) That list only seems to get longer as I read more reviews!

Patricia of Patricia's Vampire Notes - She has written so many great reviews it is hard not to get completely sucked in to this genre! ;)

Kathy of The Oklahoma BookLady - I love to stop by her site and check out the pictures she shares (if only I could take pictures like she can!). I also love to read her reviews. . . . remember that when you visit and get distracted by all her wonderful pictures.

I tried to spread these awards around as I've tried to catch up on all my awards over the past few days. If you weren't on here, please consider yourself tagged by me if you would like to play along. I also understand that not everyone has the time to participate in these awards. :)


  1. Awww gosh thank you! =) You made my day.

  2. Thank you so much Wendi. I've been slacking off in the visiting department but you gave me the oomph I needed.

  3. Congratulations on all the awards you're bringing in these days.

  4. Thank you, Wendy! You are too kind. I'm truly honored.

    God bless you.



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