Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tag Your It! What I Love

I've Been Tagged! Patricia over at Patricia's Vampire Notes has tagged me for the What I Love meme. It looks fun and easy, so here goes!

Here are the rules:
Link to the person who has tagged you.
Write down six things that make you happy.
Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it. Then tell the person when your entry is complete.

Six Things That Make Me Happy:

1. My husband and my son - being a Mom/Wife has been a lot more rewarding than I thought it would be. :)

2. Reading - it is so nice to be able to "travel" to other places without having to buy the plane tickets! Plus, the images I can picture in my mind are so fascinating - it is like escaping to another world for a temporary break.

3. Taking my son to the Children's Museum or other play areas - it is so much fun to watch him playing with other kids and having fun. I'm amazed at how quickly he is growing and developing.

4. Learning to make new (and tasty) desserts. Hmmm - vanilla ice cream ball covered in toasted coconut, drizzled with chocolate. . . .

5. Completing craft projects - I just love to work on craft projects but often pick projects that take a while or require a lot of attention - it feels great when I finally get them done!

6. Date Night! Now that we have a two-year-old, I think we've had a total of 2 date nights, so I REALLY appreciate them when we have them. A nice dinner and a movie is appreciated a lot more now than it used to be.

Now for some of the people I'd love to hear from:

Donna - Write By Faith
Jenners - Find Your Next Book Here
Ruth - Bookish Ruth
Gretchen - Back Cover Reviews


  1. Thanks for tagging me! This will be my first meme - I will try to get my post up by Wednesday!

  2. Fried Ice Cream...In the words of Homer Simpson:

  3. Thanks for tagging me! This looks like a fun and easy one!

    You captured exactly what I love about reading too!

    And I totally agree with you on 1, 3, and 6!

    And I agree with 4 if you replace "learning to make new" to just "eating new..." HAHA!

    And I'm the world's worst craft completion person .. so we diverge there!

    Fun meme! I'll let you know when I have mine up!

  4. Hi Wendi - finally got my list up! You can read it here:



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