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Monday, September 28, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Arabella by Georgette Heyer

TEASER TUESDAYS : are hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading ~

My Teaser for today:

The Dowager Duchess of Wigan, who was the terror of four sons, three surviving daughters, numerous grandchildren, her man of business, her lawyer, her physician, and a host of dependants, greeted her favourite grandson characteristically. He found her imbibing nourishment in the form of slices of toast dipped in tea, and bullying the unmarried daughter who lived with her.

~ p. 200, “Arabella" by Georgette Heyer

I haven't started this book yet, but decided to grab a teaser from the book - guess I'll have to read it soon and find out what is going on. :)

About the Book (from Amazon):
From Amazon: Daughter of a modest country clergyman, Arabella Tallant is on her way to London when her carriage breaks down outside the hunting lodge of the wealthy Mr. Robert Beaumaris. Her pride stung when she overhears a remark of her host's, Arabella pretends to be an heiress, a pretense that deeply amuses the jaded Beau. To counter her white lie, Beaumaris launches her into high society and thereby subjects her to all kinds of fortune hunters and other embarrassments.

When compassionate Arabella rescues such unfortunate creatures as a mistreated chimney sweep and a mixed-breed mongrel, she foists them upon Beaumaris, who finds he rather enjoys the role of rescuer and is soon given the opportunity to prove his worth in the person of Arabella's impetuous young brother...
I always look forward to reading everyone's teasers! ~ Wendi


Alice said...

That's an interesting teaser! I've been seeing lots of posts about Heyer's books.

gautami tripathy said...

Sounds interesting!

Teaser Tuesdays: The Sister Pact by Cami Checketts

Catherine said...

Arabella is one of my favourite Heyer novels - it has wonderful characters (including the Dowager Duchess) and a lot of exuberance and subtle humour. I hope you enjoy it!

Jennifer said...

Fabulous tease and a new addition to my TBR list. My tease is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/puzzle-king-teaser-tuesdays.html

BurtonReview said...

I've got this one for the Sourcebooks November read as well, I hope it is as good as the ones I've read.

Mine is up at The Burton Review.

Anonymous said...

I remember this one, and I loved it. I hope you do too!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds intriguing! Adding it to the list.

My teaser is from "No Time to Wave Goodbye," Jacquelyn Mitchard, in her sequel to "The Deep End of the Ocean."

You'll find it at: http://laurel-rain-snow.blogspot.com/

Zia said...

Sounds interesting. Great teaser =)

Janet said...

Congrats on the lil' bundle in the oven. :) Thank you for commenting on the TT at GAhome2mom. I think I would enjoy reading this one too. lol

Anonymous said...

Never read Heyer, but her characters sound interesting!

Christina said...

Arabella is one of my favorite Heyers. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

Cecelia said...

HA! Your teaser's funny. I've known women in the present day just like that... :)

You can check mine out here.

Anonymous said...

Great teaser. I've being seeing this author around a lot lately and I really should read one of her books.

Staci said...

I checked out two of her books from the library and am really looking forward to reading them. Hope you enjoy!!

Peaceful Reader said...

I've never heard of this author but the teaser teased me into adding it to my tbr list.

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

I have to admit I am confused by the teaser. I am guessing I need to pick up the book as well to see what is going on.

I'll check back for your review.

Anonymous said...

I really need to read something by Heyer.

Enid Wilson said...

This sounds delicious. Thanks for the heads up.

Steamy Darcy

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