Sponsored by The Cheerios family of cereals, First Book and Jon Scieszka, author of the popular "Trucktown" series and other children´s books

Play a fun trivia game based on the fun "Trucktown" books written by Jon Scieszka and earn votes for the state of your choice! I got 72% correct ~ See if you can beat me!! Leave a comment and let me know how you did!
Perfect for : Supporting your local community, encouraging reading, and supporting your health!
I learned about this program from the wonderful people at MyBlogSpark, who very kindly sent me a box of Cheerios and some sample books to review. My family got to try out the Frosted Cheerios, which we all loved! We ate them for breakfast and also used them for snacks, and I felt great, because my family was still getting the same great benefits as normal Cheerios, but with a boost of sweetness. Some of the benefits are that they are lowfat, have extra calcium and over 12 important vitamins and minerals!
Our toddler loved both the Cheerios (which really do make a great snack for little fingers) and the books that Cheerios sent with for us to look through. One of his favorites is a Trucktown book by Jon Scieszka called Junkyard Fort. He loved the colorful pictures and all the different trucks! The book included both English and Spanish, and also had a small section of activities at the back. Thanks Cheerios!
From MyBlogSpark:
Access to books is essential to reading development. However, did you know that over 80 percent of childcare centers serving low-income children lack age-appropriate books? And a recent study shows that the ratio of books per child in middle income neighborhoods is 13 to 1, while in low-income neighborhoods, the ratio is 1 age-appropriate book for every 300 children.
The Cheerios family of cereals, First Book and Jon Scieszka, author of the popular "Trucktown" series and other children´s books, have joined together to deliver 100,000 books to community-based programs serving children in need - and we´d love your help! All you have to do is go online with your child and test your combined knowledge of children´s books by answering trivia questions related to "Trucktown" and other great children´s books.
For every trivia question answered correctly, you can cast one vote for the state you would like to receive books. The five states receiving the most votes will get 20,000 books each, for a total of 100,000 books. Visit www.FirstBook.org/Scieszka to test your knowledge and start voting.
About Jon Scieszka: (from the Firstbook.org page)
Jon Scieszka is the author of some of the best known and funniest books written for children including The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Time Warp Trio series and the Caldecott Honor Book The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Fairy Tales not to mention the first book in the Trucktown series, Smash! Crash! He is a former elementary school teacher, an avid promoter of literacy and the first National Ambassador for Young People's Literature appointed by the Library of Congress. Jon lives with his family in Brooklyn, NY.
About Cheerios Spoonfulls of Stories: (from the Firstbook.org site)
Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories began with two simple goals: to help young readers grow their minds and to put books into the hands of millions of kids.About Firstbook: (from the Firstbook.org site)
For the past 8 years, Cheerios has given away more than 40 million books in boxes and donated more than $3.2 million to First Book to help provide new books to kids who don’t have books of their own.
It’s all part of the commitment of Cheerios to help you provide a healthy, nutritional and educational foundation for your growing child. It’s the very same reason we make Cheerios Cereal® with 100% natural whole grain oats, 1 gram of sugar and no artificial colors or flavors.
For more information on Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories, see www.spoonfulsofstories.com.
First Book provides new books to children in need addressing one of the most important factors affecting literacy – access to books. An innovative leader in social enterprise, First Book has distributed more than 65 million free and low cost books in thousands of communities.
First Book supports the hardest to reach children and elevates the quality of the programs that serve them. First Book improves the quality of these programs by providing high quality books and educational resources and enhancing their overall effectiveness. Collaboration with First Book elevates the quality of education for the children who need our help the most.
Giveaway Details:
One of my lucky readers will win a Cheerios Gift Pack (pictured above, which includes: an assortment of books from Cheerios, a box of Cheerios, and a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card).
Want to win? Here's how!
1. Leave a comment telling me why your state should get 20,000 books OR How many trivia questions you correctly answered here. Please make sure to leave your email if it isn't in your profile. (1 entry for Your State Answer, 1 entry DAILY for doing trivia, which can be done daily!!)
2. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and/or Facebook and report it here (1 entry)
3. Become a follower (link is on the right hand sidebar) and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)
The drawing will be held January 31st. Winner: I will send you an email, please reply with your address so I can forward it to the wonderful people at MyBlogSpark!
This giveaway is open to residents within the United States, no PO Boxes.
~ Wendi