Ok - so I'm really late posting this, but things didn't go according to plan. :) (Do they ever??)
Baby Brandon was supposed to arrive February 18th, but after everything we did to hope for a normalish pregnancy (surgery at 13 weeks, weekly shots, dr. visits every other week, etc), I just couldn't do it the easy way... I came down with a "severe case of pre-eclampsia" and ended up in the hospital for an emergency C-Section the evening of January 31st. The good news - I got to sleep through the surgery because I was not stable enough, and they had blood on stand-by that was police escorted from Seattle with lights and sirens going (luckily I didn't need the blood).
I got to spend a few extra days in the hospital, and my family has been very helpful (especially my husband, Logan, and my Mom) as I try to recover from both the surgery and the pre-eclampsia. They are still watching my blood levels and blood pressure, but I'm on the mend. I also still need to go in for minor surgery to undo the surgery I had at 13 weeks... I was not well enough for them to do it during the C-Section - drat!
I'd like to thank all of you... readers, authors, publicists, etc for hanging in here with me as I've been missing for quite some time. THANK YOU!!
I'm really looking forward to sharing some great books that have come my way over the past few months, as well as some great products for the family and babies in particular. I'm also going to try to share some toddler tips as I go (you know, those elusive art projects and activities that you have to wrack your brain to think of when your little guy or gal is bored and you DON'T want to turn cartoons on). :)
Now - a question for you - have you experienced pre-eclampsia and gone on to have another baby?? I know it is risky, but possible with a lot of doctor visits.