This week is a special Thinger! It is time to sign up for SantaThing... Here are the basics (followed by a link for more details)...
What: Pay $25 to participate, and get up to $20 in books from your Secret Santa (the difference goes toward shipping)
When: Sign up between now and December 1st (that is NEXT week!) at 4 PM EST
Who: It is open to more countries this year (see full list), and you can sign up a non-LT member to receive books as well.
How: Become a Secret Santa, get a name/profile from LT, pick out books based on their library and/or wishes, then LT will place the orders and take care of shipping! ... wait for your package to arrive from your Secret Santa.
For more details, click here.
Questions: Have you ever participated in SantaThing (it is in its third year)? If so, what did you like? Dislike? Are you planning to participate this year?
My Answer: I have never participated in SantaThing before, but did hear really good things about it last year.
I have however participated in book blogger Secret Santa projects in the past, and they are always fun. :)
I haven't decided if I'm going to participate this year. My TBR pile is more like a mountain or two, and I'm working really hard to try and catch up... that said, I am REALLY tempted because it sounds like so much fun.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
Good question. I remember SantaThing from last year, and I know a lot of people really enjoyed it. Here's what I think. Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
I'm not doing the Santa Thing because I am doing the Book Blogger Holiday Swap and there's only so much money to go around!
late again, but HERE I am!
It's a nice idea and I'm glad it's there, but I would be too worried about drawning somebody who read the sort of books I knew nothing about. But I'm in the LT Virago Modern Classics Group Secret Santa instead, and loving it.
Happy Tuesday, everybody!
I did SantaThing the first year round, but not the second, so I am doing it again this year!! I cannot wait to see what I have been given - it is taking a LOT of willpower not to sneakily see what I have got!!
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