Hi everyone! Another off-topic (to Library Thing) week for us this week. I've recently become aware of a new program through Amazon (played with it over the past month or so) called the Amazon Vine. It is "Amazon Vine™. The Exclusive Club of Influential Amazon Voices." I've enjoyed it and thought I would pass the information along in case a few of you hadn't heard of it yet.
Basically, Amazon allows some people to sign up for the program who have posted reviews on their site. Based on your interests and your reviews, they will offer you items to review, completely free of charge! All you have to do is review 75% of the items sent to you (I've done 3 books and 1 electronic/home item so far) before they will let you order more items from the Vine Newsletter.
One day, I logged in and simply had an invitation on my home page to check out the new program, and it gave me the option of signing up.
Questions: Have you had an opportunity to check out the new Amazon Vine program? Have you signed up? Is this program something that interests you? How do you feel about the reviews posted on Amazon in general (not counting the ones that have made the news)?
My Answer: I have had an opportunity to check out the Amazon Vine program. I did choose to sign up - I figured I really had nothing to loose, and that I might be introduced to some new-to-me authors and products.
I do like this program - so far I have gotten to review 3 books and 1 electronic item. Two of the books were ones I'd seen reviews for on other blogs recently, so it was fun to read them. One book was a Sponge Bob children's book with a voice changer (the toy was great, but the book really isn't for 2+, more like 5+, and I included that in my review). The electronic item I reviewed was a new Norelco Kids Clipper for clipping hair - and I LOVE it! I've always cut my husband and son's hair with a comb and scissors. . . this made it easier and less painful on my back. :) I would NEVER have tried it if it wasn't through the program!
As for the reviews that are posted, I try to keep in mind that some reviews are going to be posted by friends/family of the author, and they MIGHT be a little biased. I also try to remember that for any product/book there are going to be people who love it and those who hate it. I try to look for the facts that are given and the overall opinion rather than focus on only a few reviews.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
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Mine's HERE
Sounds interesting but I proably wouldn't sign up for it. I rarely if ever go over to Amazon. I don't think I have even posted a review on the site. I can see a lot of people signing up for it though after they read your post.
Mine is here
oh, I am first? I love to be first...lol
So HERE is my Library Thing free Tuesday Thinger.
I am a member of the Vine program and so far, I've gotten 2 books from it. I do look at Amazon reviews, but like you, I take them with a grain of salt. If a book has only a few ratings and they're all high, I look to see how many other things those reviewers have rated.
Oh, I nearly forgot to post my link:
I hadn't heard of the program at all. If I get the chance to sign up though, I might.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I have an award for you over at my blog, so come check it out!
darn...and I was NOT first...
Amazpn Vine is new to me but I've never posted a review there. Lord knows I buy enough from them that I should send my reviews in. I like Amazon in spite of problems they've been having. Thanks for tipping me off to this new program.
Here is my post.
I've heard of it and know some bloggers who use it. Unfortunately, I do not belong to the chosen ones yet because I do not post enough reviews on there, maybe 9 altogether. But if the day comes that I receive an invitation I will definitely sign up.
Tuesday Thingers on Friday; I've answered three weeks' worth in one post. It's nice to be back, and caught up :-)!
heard of it the first time now. But I think that's cuz I always order at amazon.de and they don't have such a program as far as I know. Will check this out now.
I’ve got a surprise for you at my Blog
Have a nice weekend,
I have heard of the Amazon Vine program but didn't know all the details so thanks for posting about it. I keep thinking about posting my reviews to amazon but haven't done so lately. I wonder how many reviews that you need to have there to be eligible for the Vine program?
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