This week's Thinger topic comes from Caite, over at A Lovely Shore Breeze, who was SO wonderful ~ she came up with a suggestion and even helped me understand how it works, so a HUGE Thank You goes out to Caite!! (This post on She Is Too Fond Of Books gave her the idea.)
This week, we have another way to track our ever-expanding Wish Lists! Through the use of "Collections" you can add a book to your Wishlist without adding it to your Library. How do you do this?? Easy!!
1. Go to the tab marked Add Books
2. Type in the Title, ISBN, etc
3. When you see the book listed, click the Edit Book option
4. Just under the section where you can add tags, you will see a Collections topic, click the button that says Show All
5. Un-check Your Library (removes it from your current books), and check the box next to Wishlist
6. Hit Save, and you are done!
So now you ask, "Now What???"
1.Well. . . you can also add where you saw/heard of the book under Private Comments (when editing the book details), which are only viewable by you. (You can even include a link to a review if you want to!)
2. I believe you can share your Wishlist with friends and relatives by posting the permalink online or including it in an email (to do this, go to Your Books, change the Your Library drop down list to Wishlist and scroll to the bottom. There is a little linky that says permanent link, and if you click on that it changes the address and you can copy/paste it wherever you want to put it!!
Questions: Have you explored/used the Wishlist collection on Library Thing yet? If so, have you found it helpful? Do you have any other tips or uses for the Wishlist collection? Any suggestions for next week's topic?
My Answer:
Until Caite had suggested the Wishlist as a topic, I hadn't really explored it very much. I remember when the people at Library Thing made the Collections feature available. . . but other than a glance at it, I haven't really explored it.
This does make for a really nice way to track all those books I end up saying - "I've GOT to read that. . .now where is that pesky list. . . " especially as I read reviews, visit Mailbox Monday posts, read great Teasers, etc. :)
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
I belong to LibraryThing but didn't know about the wishlist feature or if I did it has slipped my mind. Thanks for posting how to do it. I'm going to check it out.
BTW - I absolutely love your blog design. I think your green is my new favorite color, although I don't know if I can get rid of yellow as my favorite color. They'll have to share 1st place!
That's something I definitely need to do!
What a terrific idea. I'm going to check that out.
((off to try and think of another question...)) but in the meantime, here is my answer this week. Just one more reason to love LT..lol
I belong to Library Thing, but all I've done is add the amount of books I could add for free! (200). And I post my Library Thing books on my blogs.
I'm going to check out your suggestions, and maybe I will join in this meme!
I just learned something new. I'll have to try it. Thank you!
Mine is up:
I've never checked this out, but may in the future
Hi...I tried the Wish List on Library Thing, but because I already have the maximum number of books (without paying), the system wouldn't take my "add." Even though it was for the "Wish List."
I'm definitely going to have to check into this one. I'd have to wonder though if it eats into the number of books permitted in the free account.
...for a lifetime of use, the best $25 I ever spent...just saying...lol
Awe man, I wish I would have seen this yesterday as I would have participated! I will try again next week :)
that's a very interesting meme.
my wishlist on Library Thing is for books that I want to take out on an interlibrary loan :) I have about different wishlists out there for different purposes. Crazy, I know.
Caite, I'm sure it is, and I'm planning on getting a lifetime membership, just not this month :)
Great topic this week! My response is posted.
I've been trying to be diligent about using this (using Private Comments to note the details of where I learned of a book is the best feature!) ... I hope I can keep up the habit.
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