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Monday, November 2, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: A Highlander's Temptation by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

TEASER TUESDAYS : hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading ~

Teaser :

"He was evil." That sapphire gaze still pinned him. "A true---"

"He was worse." Darroc held up a hand to silence her. "And he soon learned that the Thunder Rod held more power than simply making a man irresistible to women. Perhaps the darkness of his own soul unleashed the relic's blacker influences. Either way, the couple only enjoyed their haven for a short time."

~ page 172 “A Highlander's Temptation" by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

About the Book (from Amazon):

Darroc MacConacher spends sleepless nights dreaming of a raven-haired beauty who makes him ache with desire. Then his dream comes true: the lady with her lush curves and fair skin appears shipwrecked on his shores. Darroc is immediately drawn to her strength and beauty, and from the moment she lays eyes on this powerful, broad-shouldered warrior, Lady Arabella MacKenzie knows she'll never want another man.

But theirs is a forbidden love. The MacKenzies drove the MacConachers from their lands and destroyed their honor. Now, Darroc can use this sapphire-eyed seductress to shatter his foes. Yet how can he deny the passion that burns between him and Arabella, and ruin the one woman who touches his very soul.
I'm SOOO excited! This is the first book by Sue-Ellen Welfonder that I've read... Can't wait to start it. I always look forward to reading everyone's teasers! ~ Wendi


Zia said...

Temping teaser =)

Marg said...

Oh, I love Scottish romances, but haven't read this author yet! Thanks for the teaser.

I have two teasers this week

Amy said...

Great teaser. I have this on my TBR too.

Nise' said...

OK, now that is definitely a teaser.

Anonymous said...

Sounds thrilling. Great teaser!

JoAnn said...

Now there's a teaser!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Very tantalizing!

Mine is here:


Calico Crazy said...

Ooh, intriguing and tempting, a great teaser. Mine is up here.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, very tempting!
Here's my Teaser Tuesday

gautami tripathy said...


Teaser Tuesdays: Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg

Allison said...

I haven't read any passion-romance novels.. but this sounded interesting!

Here is my teaser: http://wellreadreviews.com/teaser-tuesdays-occult-america-meme

Anonymous said...

Great Teaser. Very intriguing. Here is mine:

Lisa said...

The Thunder Rod? Oh my.

Here's my teaser!

Margaret Metz said...

My my... I saw this book on someone else's blog recently too. Maybe I really should pick it up. :o)

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