Recommended for Children of all ages
Products / Family / Celebration
Perfect for : Gift for child, Celebration of Graduation or First Day of School, Birthday Party, etc, Gift for Camp-bound child
My Thoughts: I think this is a wonderful new tradition to add to my family! Based on an old German tradition of Schultüte that Vivian Lie (founder KinderCone) has made easily adaptable, it helps us celebrate things like the first day of school, which can be scary for kids. The KinderCone is a sturdy and colorful cone that comes pre-filled with a journal for First Grade, a cat stuffed animal that is featured in the journal, pencils, temporary tattoos, and a numbered certificate (each theme is limited to 2500, which helps to make the cones even more special).
When the Red and Orange KinderCone arrived in the mail, I was so excited to see my son's reaction to it. He squealed and hugged it, then immediately pulled open the bow and started pulling things out, exclaiming over each thing. I can just imagine how great this will be to use on the first day of school... it will surely engage my son as well as his new friends! As a parent, it will be easy to further customize by adding treats for my son as well as his friends (erasers, candy, stickers, etc).
In all, the cone is a great way to keep track of special moments from your child's First Grade year (thanks to the included journal), as well as a great way for your child to make new friends by sharing pencils and temporary tattoos with other children. This would also be a great gift to send with your child to camp, just fill it with some fun treats for your child to share.
The KinderCone can also be purchased as a pre-decorated, limited edition cone that you can fill yourself, or as a Craft MiniCone, that you can help your child to decorate (great party idea!!) and fill! I hope to use the Craft MiniCones for a party in the near future - what a great way to build fun memories and send home a really fun "goody bag."

*Brings a smile to everyone's face
*Ability to purchase ready-to-give, or customize yourself
*Great way to introduce new traditions to your family
Challenges With The KinderCone:
*I'm finding it hard to stop imagining new ways to use the cones!

About KinderCone: (From the MomCentral Blog Tour)
Starting first grade marks a milestone in every child's life. While the prospect of learning and meeting new friends proves exciting for both children and their parents, embarking on something so new and unfamiliar can feel daunting, too. To help make this transition easier and more fun, young children in Austria and Germany are given a Schultüte, a cone made from sturdy, colorful paper and filled with treats and school supplies, as they leave home for the first day of first grade.
Born and raised in Munich, Germany, Vivian Lie was eager to share the tradition of Schultüte with others when she moved to the United States. In 2008, she founded KinderCone to spread the word about this 200-year-old tradition and to provide families with the opportunity to surprise their own children with Schultüten on their first day of school. With a variety of color themes and sizes, KinderCones make a wonderful back-to-school gift for any child, regardless of age.

28 inch Red Kindercone with Orange Top
Includes: KinderJournal: Me, Myself and First Grade, Karli the Cat plush toy, 5 KinderCone pencils, KinderCone temporary tattoos and a limited-edition certificate.
Hand-made in Germany of recycled sturdy paper. KinderCones are 28 inches tall with a convenient hanging loop.
Each KinderCones is enclosed with colored felt on top and tied with our special ribbon; choose from 8 color options.
Every KinderCone comes filled with our exclusively written 5x7 KinderJournal, Karli, the cat, five pencils, temporary tattoos and a limited-edition certificate.
Make sure to celebrate school in a personal way and add you own small gift or note to tell your child just how proud you are!

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