Please note that I am not a complete novice, nor am I even close to being an expert. I've done some Hawaiian quilting, puffed patchwork, and dabbled in a few other techniques.
The best thing is that this book has a little bit of everything, but somehow manages to give you all the information you need in order to be successful. PLUS it includes a lot of Make It Now projects that the reader can do that are not too hard and can help you actually do what you just read about.
The reader will start off by learning about tools and materials, as well as working with fabrics, templates, shapes and technology. Then the book will break into three main sections: Patchwork, Applique, Quilting, then it has a great section that talks about Finishing Off (edges, final touches, stitches, useful information and templates).
The section that talks about tools is especially helpful because not only are there pictures, but readers learn about what features to look for among all the choices of available products.
On to diagrams. There isn't even ONE black and white diagram in the entire book! Instead there are numerous multi-color diagrams that make it so much easier to really understand HOW to do the techniques. There are way to many to list, but they illustrate things like how to cut, pin, fold, stitch, and what the piece should really look like.
A friend at work once tried to teach me how to do Puffed Patchwork (pages 106-107), and she did a fairly good job, but it took quite a while for me to fully understand what I needed to do. This book has done a wonderful job of explaining and illustrating exactly what she taught me in two easy-to-understand pages. Plus, they even included an adorable pattern (with pictures) for a baby quilt (this is one of those Make It Now projects).
Really there are so many great features... way to many to go into here! But I've wanted to learn to make chenile fabric, ruched fabric, and fabric yo-yo's and those are in here too!
Now... on to what you really want to know... what exactly is covered in each section?? (taken from the contents... I'm not listing everything as the book has 256 pages, I just wanted to cover the main sections)
Patchwork (covered in approx 100 pages)
Patchwork settings, Working with Blocks, Scrap Quilts, Sampler Quilts, Hand Piecing, English Paper Piecing, Machine Piecing, Patchwork with Squares and Rectangles, Patchwork with Strips, Seminole Patchwork, Bargello Patchwork, String Patchwork, Patchwork with Triangles, Patchwork with Diamonds and Polygons, Patchwork with Curves, Pictorial Patchwork, Foundation Piecing, Crazy Patchwork, Puffed Patchwork, Folded Patchwork, Fabric Special Effects, Quilt Art, Using Sashing, Using Borders
Applique (covered in approx 48 pages)
Fabrics and Threads for Applique, Motifs and Templates, Needle-turn Applique, 3-D Applique, Freezer Paper Applique, Fusible Web Applique, Edging Applique, Applique Perse, Hawaiian Applique, Reverse Applique, Shadow Applique, Inlaid Applique, Bias Strip Applique, Shisha
Quilting (covered in approx 48)
Preparing to Quilt, Choosing Quilting Designs, Marking Designs, Hand Quilting, Big Stitch Quilting, Whole Cloth Quilting, Celtic Quilting, Sashiko, Kantha Quilting, Machine Quilting, Free-motion Quilting, Long-arm Quilting, Quilt-as-you-go, Tied Quilting, Corded Quilting, Stuffed Quilting, Decorative Quilting

by Linda Clemnts
David & Charles; 1 edition (March 8, 2011) ~ 256 pages
Non-Fiction / Patchwork and Quilting
Edition Reviewed: Paperback - Review copy received courtesy of FSB Media for review!
About the Book:
The Quilter's Bible presents essential know-how together with a wide range of inspirational projects, tips and ideas collected from international top-name quilters. Ideal for both the beginners looking for trustworthy advice in a single volume and the committed quilters searching for authoritative reference for seldom used techniques. Over 15 projects featured including cot quilts, bed quilts, lap quilts, bags, cushions, wall hangings, table mats and runners, and other beautiful projects for the home.
About the Author: (from Amazon)
Linda Clements was an intensive care nurse for many years before becoming a freelance editor in 1991, and studying for her MA in creative writing in 1995. Linda specializes in project editing fabric craft books, and she has written a number of titles for David & Charles.
*Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate. I get a very small amount for any purchases made when you click through a link from Wendi's Book Corner, which I then save up to buy more books. :)
Great review. This sounds like a great go to book as far as quilting goes. I have dabbled a bit in quilting but can always stand to learn much more. I'll watch out for this book.
Wow, this sounds like a great book for my MIL...thanks for the review!
Popped over from Blogelina, I'm now following you Wendi! :)
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