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Friday, April 6, 2012

Skylander's Spyro's Adventure Starter Pack (Game, Portal, 3 Characters) Review

I'm not by any means a gamer, but I do like to play the occasional game... especially when I can play with other people. I absolutely love to play co-op games, and this one is now my all-time FAVORITE!

This game is a BLAST for both kids and adults - but keep in mind that extra figures (separate purchase) are certainly helpful when playing (you are able to play the game with the characters it comes with, but you will miss out on some bonus areas in the game that require a character from a certain set to open the portal door).

 Things to Note: 
- Can be played with 1 or 2 players
- The game is co-op when played with 2, meaning they work together on the same screen, and they will need to go in the same direction to keep play moving
- It is an adventure-type game, so you go through levels and discover different areas and do certain activities to achieve goals (find hidden areas to earn special hats that give your characters bonus points in different areas, find legendary treasures)
- I'd say the age range is really right around 4 to, well... ageless! (We've played with two boys right around 4, and while they both need a little help, they both absolutely LOVE it! We usually help their characters move and they get to shoot, etc)
- The Game comes with the Portal, which you have to have to play the game, and 3 characters. You CAN play the game with only 3 characters BUT (and this is a HUGE but...) you will not be able to open all the areas within the game. There are element portals where you need to use a character from a certain group to get through the door, and you will often find special hats or bonuses in those areas. SO... ideally, you will want AT LEAST one character from each of the 8 groups.
- The characters also serve as extra "lives" so when you die with one, as long as you have another you can put on the portal, you can continue to play your game, otherwise, you need to restart the level
- The character's information (experience, hat, etc) is stored on the character itself, so if you take your character to someone else's house, your experience goes with you and continues to grow! You will take whatever hat your character has on, and can switch it for whichever hats your friend's game has open. 

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT... Yes, there IS a reason why the characters are sold out everywhere! The game is really fun! You get to play whichever character you choose and can switch whenever you want. You, or your kids... are bringing a toy that they are able to hold to life on the tv screen, where you get to help the character WIN!

A few game tips: 
- Have at least one character from each of the 8 groups in order to open all the portals
- When a character gets low on energy, pull them off the portal. When you find food that you don't need for your current player, put that character back on and let them get the food, thus increasing their energy
- If you HAVE to earn all the stars in each chapter, plan to run through the chapter twice: Explore everywhere and take your time to find everything the first time through. Then, once complete, replay the chapter and go past as many bad guys or obstacles as you can in order to make it through in the time frame (you will get the star for finding everything on the level, then you will get stars for meeting the time requirements)
- YES,  If you have two of one character you CAN have them both on the portal at the same time... although it gets a bit crazy trying to keep track of which one is yours on the screen!  We tested it out when a friend of ours got the game after playing it with us, and they brought some of their "guys" over and we tried it out.  We found it easiest to keep track of who had who by making sure the characters were wearing different hats.

 I'm sure I've left a ton out, but needless to say, this game is FUN... now I need to find a nice way to store the characters on the wall for easy access.... :)

Edition Reviewed: Wii version- Review copy received courtesy of the Amazon Vine program!

Want to Win One?: Come back on April 15th and enter to win your own XBox 360 Skylander's Spyro's Adventure Starter Pack!  Entry will be easy via Rafflecopter!

*Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate. I get a very small amount for any purchases made when you click through a link from Wendi's Book Corner, which I then save up to buy more books. :)


stacey dempsey said...

I like that you can have 2 players playing together, my boys would have a ball with this

stacey dempsey said...

oh i am stacey dempsey on rafflecopter

Unknown said...

I like that I'd be able to play it with my daughter... she's just turning 4 but very tech savvy :)

Amy C said...

I like that the game is an adventure-type game.

bughell said...

I love to play games with my 10 year old son as his the only boy out of 5 girls. when we play games he is the happiness little boy ever I love my mom and dad time with my son :)

Unknown said...

I have played this at my sister's she just bought it and it's a blast:)

Doris Calvert on rafflecopter

Amanda Lyn said...

I like the fact that its different from any other game out there. The characters are soo adorable too :)


Cinny said...

I like the cute characters!
Whirlwind of Surprises

InezbyDesign said...

This looks like a great game and I would love to introduce it to my grandson. I like the interaction.

notaquiter said...

I think my son would love this game


409cope said...

I love that this would be something that hubby could play with our nephews.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

steffie said...

this game sounds so fun! my daughter wants this so much! i love that you can add to the game with the extra characters! cant wait til we get this game!

Olivia said...

I prefer cooperative games too. So much more fun when everybody gets to play!

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

I love the Dark Spyro!

lilj427 said...

My boys love Skylanders!

jennifer rotch said...

My son would love this!!!

Jennifer said...

I like that my boys can play together! And that my 5 year old should be ok playing it!

Unknown said...

I was told to go to the Skylander review and leave a comment about what I liked best about pearls. I love pearls because they are classy!

Unknown said...

I do not see a rafflecopter form???

InezbyDesign said...

I like how this game seems to grow, different levels, different characters and hidden prizes.

Karla S said...

I think it would be a great game for my son to play. Looks like fun.

ksceviour at hotmail dot com


I like that it is a multiplayer game! And it is something both kids and adults would enjoy!

Anonymous said...

sounds like my and my family could have alot of fun playing this game we are always looking for games with multiple players...thanks

liz lutes said...

my kids love this game!

Amanda Higbie said...

I love spyro games so thats a plus. But I love the characters to collect, they are nicely done and don't simply look like cheap little toys from a happy meal.

awhartness said...

I like that you can play the game with someone as young as 4 years old.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I love that it is for xbox, which we have!

Mrs Nobody said...

I love the characters

Unknown said...

I love spyro game's! Have not played in a long time but would love to play with the kids and grand kids!

Unknown said...

I love spyro game's! Have not played in a long time but would love to play with the kids and grand kids!

Kerri Owens said...

Love how it's endless fun, with the availble to switch out different pieces to make it fun for them and allows for them to be creative. My little guy(age 5) asked for this back at Christmas time but couldn't budget it. So this would be such a great thing to win! His bday is a few months away and he would be so pleased! :)

Christina said...

I loved playing Spyro with my brother! I am sure this one is much different lol and I don't play much anymore but I would enjoy playing with my nephew with great memories of my brother!

Heather R said...

I love that the game is co-op

thransom at gmail dot com

InezbyDesign said...

I like the fact that you can switch back and forth between characters.

dana said...

I like that both my boys can play at the same time, and how you can easily add new characters.

Unknown said...

I think that I would love how excited my sons would get over this! They really love the figure things that you can use.

Unknown said...

I also like that they have to work together!

jenzen69 said...

I just might like this, it sounds like its a part board game. I like the games where you have to figure things out to move on to new levels

InezbyDesign said...

The characters are very vivid. Love them.

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

I love the bright colors!

Unknown said...

I'm not a player, but I like that 2 can play it, would be great for my granddaughter & grandson, they would love it.

jenzen69 said...

Its nice to be able to sit down and play a game with my kids

Anonymous said...

I would like to be able to play it with our kids..Plus spyros my favorite :)

Unknown said...

I love the 2 player option my girls love to play games together but alot are only single player

Austin Baroudi said...

I'd like the fact that this is a game I can play with my daughter. Usually the games I play are Rated Mature and I wouldn't play play those with her but with this it would be perfect and it looks like she and I would have a blast palying it! Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

jenzen69 said...

you can pick and choose which character you want to be

Farrah Morelli said...

Switching the characters easily.

Austin Baroudi said...

I like the fact that this is a co-op game because I could sit there and play it with my daughter and she would love that!

onekittykat.jr said...

I like how its age appropriate and 2 player.

onekittykat.jr said...

I like that its age appropriate and 2 player.

brandon said...

I like that is a new, interesting take on spyro after all these years. The action figures interacting with the game is cool, new idea that i am sure kids love.

jenzen69 said...

after reading your very thorough review of a game i have never heard of, I am actually interested in giving it a go

MCantu1019 said...

I like that you have two players.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com

Donna George said...

I love that it is not M rated. That's great

MCantu1019 said...

I like that two people can play the game and it's for xbox360. Thanks.

InezbyDesign said...

I think what I would like most is playing with my grandsons.

Amanda Lyn said...

I like that theres 2 players

dumbazzblonde said...

My Grandson wants this super bad!

Leslie G said...

I love that you can have two people playing.

jenzen69 said...

just found out this game is on my sons wishlist and it will be perfect because he and his other brother can play together so they dont have to fight over it

Amy delong said...

like that 2 players can play,like how many characters you can play!

Jeni said...

I love the fact that you can use different characters.

tlcfromtn said...

I like that you can play with other people. This sounds like a fun game that can be enjoyed by all ages.

Paige said...

Thank you so much for this review, i have seen this game at walmart but wasnt sure it it would be appropriate for my boys age 5 and 7, i am glad to see it is!

susan1215 said...

I like that 2 people can play at once and that it's great for young children

s2s2 at comcast dot net

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