In the hopes of giving new life to ARCs that tend to accumulate near my bookshelves and most likely near yours, I'm starting a Weekly ARC Expo, a place for bloggers to share their available ARC list (and wish lists too) in the hopes of being able to send some out to new homes and getting new books to read in return. It should be a win-win!
The Weekly ARC Expo is simple to participate in. Each week, simply link your Weekly ARC Expo post up here with the provided Mr. Linky, then visit other bloggers. If you are interested in a book or happen to have a book (ARC or regular) another blogger has wish listed, leave a message on their post and arrange postage.
I can think of three ways to do this, so please post your preferred method: 1. Buddy a credit over via PaperbackSwap, 2. Send the book via Bookmooch for a credit there, 3. Arrange to send postage via Paypal. ** Note: If you want to print postage via your computer, an easy way is to have the person request a book you have on Paperbackswap (must be a Buddy to request directly from you), then weigh the book and send it with the postage you can print on the site.
When listing your ARCs, please include the title and author (genre, date available, etc are optional). Your post should also include whether you are willing to ship internationally, or which countries you will send to.
Overall it should be a fun and easy way to give new life to old ARCs... as well as a great way to get some of those books from your wish list!
As this is a new meme/weekly post, we will probably need to iron out a few wrinkles along the way. PLEASE feel free to leave a comment or email me with any suggestions! Is this a good day or should I post on another day??
I will try to get postage estimates to post as well.
NOW - Onto my ARC lists!!
Available ARCs (More Coming VERY Soon I Hope... I misplaced my recently read pile so these are a bit older!)
Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee, YA Feb 2009Wish List
Cathy's Ring by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman, YA May 2009
I, Lorelei by Yeardley Smith, Grades 3-7, Dec 2008
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker, Fiction Jan 2009
The Rapture by Liz Jensen, Fiction Aug 2009
Fallen Angels by Heather Terrell
The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti
Highland Heat by Mary Wine (Sourcebooks)
Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
It Happened One Bite by Lydia Dare (Sourcebooks)
Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Torment by Lauren Kate
I'm a member of Paperbackswap and Paypal
I can send ARCs within the US (anyone already know how to mail internationally?)
I hope you will help me spread the word!
~ Wendi
Thanks for coming up with this great idea, Wendy! I think it's good that each blogger can decide how they want to proceed with the postage.
Sounds like a great idea! Right now I don't have the money to ship much of anything, and I haven't really been receiving much ARCs because I stopped reviewing for awhile. I do have some older ones that I could post up once I have some extra money. Hopefully your still doing this when I do.
Nice idea. You don't even have to join Paperback Swap - you can do multimedia shipping if you have a PayPal account so it's only the cost of the shipping. I sort of cycle through mine to offer as giveaways periodically and most things cost about $2.70 to ship (other than the cost of packaging).
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