Last week we talked about the Library Thing Early Reviewers program, and along those lines, this week, I'd like to mention the Library Thing Member Giveaways. In this section, you can both request a book similarly to the Early Reviewers Program, and you can also add a book giveaway yourself.
According to the Library Thing site, the Member Giveaways site is a more informal way for authors and members to giveaway books on the site, whereas the Early Reviewer program is more formal with set guidelines and time lines. Here, the member/author sets the conditions of the giveaway and adds the detail themselves. The winners of the giveaways are selected randomly via the site, the same way the Early Reviewers books are selected (I'm assuming that part) and their contact information is sent to the person who posted the giveaway.
From the site:
To post a book for a Member Giveaway, at least one of the following must be true:
You are a LibraryThing Author
You have at least 50 books in your LibraryThing account
You have a paid LibraryThing account
If you meet these minimum requirements, then just click "Post a Giveaway" and follow the instructions screen.
Fun fact - currently there are 378 copies of 103 books being given away via the LT Member Giveaway.
Question: Were you aware of the Member Giveaways Program? Have you posted any books in the giveaway? If so, what are your thoughts on the program? Have you requested any books, and if so, did you win any?
On another note - does anyone have any special requests for upcoming discussions??
My Answer: I noticed this section of Library Thing about two weeks ago, so I have requested a few books, but haven't won any yet. I haven't posted any books as a giveaway on the site yet. I enjoy posting my giveaways on here, but may consider posting one or two books on the Member Giveaways section in the near future, especially since the people at LT pick the winners and send me their contact information - it seems like an easy way, rather than creating a post, reading entries, selecting winners (random or not), posting the winners, emailing them and waiting for them to send their addresses back in.
A thought on the program, it seems that a few users are posting some books there that they no longer want on their book shelves, otherwise, it looks like another way for authors to connect with readers/reviewers.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
I haven't won anything yet either! :) Here's my post:
I just went to LT and saw that I won a book today from the Members Giveaway program. Of course, AFTER I published my post. I'm off to edit my post! :)
Hi Wendy, I don't belong to LT, but I am learning now why it is so popular. I'm pretty rooted at Shelfari still I am pleased to learn about another community where readers and authors are connecting.
I think I mentioned before that I get a lot of my books through trade and I'm a library user/advocate.
Love when you come by BES. I'm adding you to my blogroll. Thought I had already.
Another great question. Here is my answer. Thanks Wendi!
I wasn't even aware of this feature. I'll have to go check it out now.
Thanks, Wendi!
I saw the announcement for Member Giveaway, and have looked at that part of the LT site, but I haven't yet requested anything.
I think I'll stick to giving away books on my blog, I like the personal connection.
Now that I've published my post here, I guess I should go check to make sure I didn't win like Alyce did.
Mine is up!
My post is up,right here. It is a much happier tale than the sad post of last week. But a tale of caution.
Wow, Tuesday is here again already! And another good topic. My answer's here. Happy Tuesday, everyone.
Here's my Thinger.
Mine is up!
I am really trying to cut back on my requests, but reviewing the books on Member Giveaways, I requested 4 more books! I can't stop!
My post is here.
I've been building my library thing but I was not aware of these programs until the last two Tuesday Thingers. I'll have to explore the Library Thing site a little more.
I did a little blurb about my ignorance on my page--just in case somebody else is as ignorant as me!
Easier, but probably wouldn't drive traffic to your blog. I didn't even think of that. I haven't done a giveaway in a few months. I'm in the UK and have very few British readers and not enough money to send abroad.
Anyway, here's my post. =)
Here's mine.
Wendi I would like to suggest the Memes feature for an upcoming discussion.
My Thinger Post
Here's mine!
Just wanted to let you know that I joined LibraryThing. After reading the Tuesday Thingers for many weeks I have been sold on the benefits.
It was actually a lot of fun to load in some of my books. I've prowled the site quite a bit. The sections on Groups has me overwhelmed now. There are so many to choose from. Not sure if that has already been a topic for Tuesday Thingers. If so I missed it. Also, what is the Friends section?
Anyway, thanks for steering me to LibraryThing.
Tuesday Thingers on Friday :-).
Hi Wendi!
I'd seen your comment on Brook's site regarding the Tuesday Teaser of my book. I'm definitely going to check into Library Thing as well.
I think you might really enjoy reading Book III or IV in the series. Can I contact you later about a review copy?
Thanks again! I'll definitely be following your blog now!
L. Diane Wolfe
I love LTs Early Reviewers program. I won (is that the right word) two books from them. One I have received and one I am still waiting on.
Also I just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award. It is the Proximidade Award. Come on over at see what it is all about
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