Do you Tweet?? If you can answer that, you already know what the topic is this week - Twitter! According to Wikipedia,
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets.If you are unaware of Twitter, here are a few basics:
You can network with friends
You can direct traffic to your blog by sending or posting links to posts on Twitter
You can provide general information on anything (hobbies, books, etc)
You can set your posts up to send links/titles directly to Twitter (Twitterfeed)
A list of Twitter services and applications can be found here. (One really popular application that I learned of via other bloggers is the TweetDeck, which provides you with a browser that provides a more user-friendly way to view Twitter updates)
There are even three Twitter groups on Library Thing!
Twitter Book Club-The Secret of the Sundance CavesThis is a book club that brings together different social networks like Library Thing & Twitter.
TwitterThis group is for all the book lovers that also love Twitter. List your ID and follow.
Wossy Book ClubSo Jonathan Ross has started a book club on twitter. Post your comments here!
Questions: Do you Tweet? If so, what do you like best about Twitter? What do you like the least? Do you have any Twitter applications or extras that you use frequently (TweetDeck, TwitterFeed, etc)? Do you belong to any of the Twitter groups on LT?
My Answer: I DO Tweet! I probably don't use it as much as a lot of other bloggers do, as I primarily use it to get information, find out about book giveaways and ARCs, keep current on what some bloggers/authors/publicists are doing, and post links to my blog posts via TwitterFeed.
What do I like best? I like the ability to connect to others in real-time, to ask questions, get feedback, have short conversations, and share information.
What do I like least? Some of the people I follow are for educational purposes (learning about Twitter is one of them), and I don't like getting all their Tweets - some are really boring, while others are really helpful! I guess this means that I need to re-evaluate who I am following. I find it more useful to keep my Tweets to both personal and bookish friends. :)
As far as Twitter extras, I love TwitterFeed, which automatically sends my blog posts to Twitter. I recently learned about the TwitterDeck at a local Seattle Blogger Event hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom and Pledge, and I love it! I'm sure I could set it up better, but I'm still learning about it.
At this time I don't belong to any of the Twitter groups on Library Thing. If I get any more serious about Twitter, it might be very helpful though.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Mine's HERE
I'm back. =) Here is my Tuesday Thingers post!
Mine is here
I Tweet, but like you, probably not as often as I should...
L. Diane Wolfe
I'm mostly a Twitter Reader. My post is at Joyfully Retired.
I Twitter there for I'm a twit..lol I don't think that came out right. Anyway, what I like most about Twitter is that it uses 132 characters or less. making people get to the point. Also, it's instant gratification. Within, 2 seconds you see what millions of people are thinking.
The down side, you SEE what millions of people are thinking. It has it's advantages I guess. But I ended up either on my myspaces or Facebook more throughout the day.
Twitter is every four days!
Happy Reading
I tweet: @lenoreva
My post is up here .
Perfect timing for this post! I just signed up for twitter last night, I have yet to tweet. I'm still trying to learn my way around, it's a little overwhelming at first.
Thanks for the info! I don't think I have gotten the hang of Tweeting quite yet.....
I love Twitter! I use TweetDeck. I had no idea there are Twitter groups on LT - I need to check that out.
Here's my answer!
Wow, I'm really, really late this week. Sorry. But here's my answer.
I'm late too but here is my post.
I am latest of all...especially since I did not even actually post and answer.
I am on vacation in Alaska, with limited internet access, but I did want to drop in and read the question.
I do Tweet...but very, very little. I really hate to say it, because I know MANY bloggers disagree, but I do not get it's appeal
Tuesday Thingers on Friday - see you on Twitter :-)!
I'm on Twitter but I certainly don't log on enough or follow people, etc. I also don't alwyas post what I'm doing. I'm at work all day, and blogging and commenting keeps me busy enough :)
Maybe someday I'll be more involved.
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