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Monday, July 18, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma

hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading ~

The Map of Time: A Novel
"The white cord," explained the traveler, pointing at the master rope, "represents the original univers, the only one that existed before the travelers began meddling with the past. The universe it is my task to protect."

~ page 534 “The Map of Time" by Felix J. Palma

About The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma:

Set in Victorian London with characters real and imagined, The Map of Time boasts a triple-play of intertwined plots in which a skeptical H.G. Wells is called upon to investigate purported incidents of time travel and thereby save the lives of an aristocrat in love with a murdered prostitute from the past; of a woman bent on fleeing the strictures of Victorian society; and of his very own wife, who may have become a pawn in a 4th-dimensional plot to murder the authors of Dracula, The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, in order to alter their identities and steal their fictional creations.

But, what happens if we change history? FÉlix J. Palma raises such questions in The Map of Time. Mingling fictional characters with real ones, Palma weaves a historical fantasy as imaginative as it is exciting, a story full of love and adventure that also pays homage to the roots of science fiction while transporting its readers to a fascinating Victorian London for their own taste of time travel.

:) I always look forward to reading everyone's teasers! ~ Wendi

*Disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate. I get a very small amount for any purchases made when you click through a link from Wendi's Book Corner, which I then save up and use to buy more books! :)


Unknown said...

Great Teaser, enjoy the rest of the book!

Bookgirl @ My Book Addiction

Sonia Lal said...

This book has an interesting concept!

Mine: http://storytreasury.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/teaser-tuesday-cambridge-companion-to-science-fiction/

Calico Crazy said...

This sounds like it could be a really interesting book. My quadruple teaser is up at Calico Contemplations.

Braiden said...

I was going to buy this book at the bookshop but it’s $30+ down here in Australia. Definitely going to get it soon from the Book Depository most likely.

Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com said...

Oh I NEED this! lol Sounds like a great book to me, Wendi!

Here is mine.Click here to read a tease about a Fallen Angel and the scent of death!!

Sassy Brit

Anonymous said...

Cool teaser.

Here's mine: http://tfwalsh.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/teaser-tuesday-the-shadow-wolf/

Kyanara_BJD said...


what a great teaser!

have a great day!
Kyanara from Laced Little Muffin's Reading Corner

Beth said...

What a job! My teaser comes from a mystery set in Africa.

Deepali said...

Oooo excellent sounding story!
This goes on my TBR list, hope I find it soon :)

My teaser is from final book in the series The Malazan Book of the Fallen:

Jenny Q said...

I've got this one nearing the top of Mount TBR--can't wait to read it! Two teasers for me this week, with giveaways :)

Yvonne said...

Great teaser! Mine is here

Julie @ Read Handed said...

Sounds like a thought-provoking read. Great teaser. Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance, mine is here.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This one looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.


Cara said...

I've heard only great things about this and the teaser only made me more interested. Thanks for sharing! :)

My teaser is here.

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

I wasn't too crazy about this one.

Here is my teaser

Heather said...

Sounds...unique. An interesting teaser. Mine: Summer in the South

Pam (@iwriteinbooks) said...

Oh! Yes, yes yes! I've heard such good things about this and this quote gives me even more reason. Thanks for the teaser!

Anonymous said...

Great teaser

here's mine:


Frances said...

Very interesting. The book sounds good. Here's mine:

Christine Rains said...

Ooh, interesting teaser!

Priya said...

God, I LOVE the cover design! The teaser is very intriguing. Added to my TBR list :)

Here's mine: http://peskypiksipesternomi.blogspot.com/2011/07/land-of-laughs-by-jonathan-carroll.html

Francesca said...

Love the teaser, the books sounds fantastic and I love the cover for it.

My Teaser!

Suzanne @ Under the Covers

Nikki Kimbrell said...

This book looks fabulous! I think the cover alone had me sold. Thanks for the recommendation!

Anonymous said...

This really sounds like a great read!

PeaceLove&Pat said...

Love the teaser, I look forward on reading this book.

Here's mine: http://www.peaceloveandreviews.com/2011/07/tuesday-teaser-6.html

Unknown said...

Great one :)

Here's mine:

Jan said...

Great teaser, very intriguing!

Terri B. said...

Victorian London? I'm there! Thanks for bringing this one to my attention. Love the cover too :o)

Susie Buetow said...

Loved the teaser. Thanks for stopping in at my blog last week for the Alexa Blog Hop. HOpe you stop back again this Wednesday and link up! xoxo SusieQTpies

KB said...

Interesting teaser.

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