When I heard about an opportunity to try out a few S&S meat rubs, I was ecstatic! You see, our family uses our outdoor bbq grill year-round, and I love to try new things (don't believe me?? I'll see if I can find the recent picture of bbq-ing in almost a foot of snow!)
I was sent two samples of meat rubs (Poultry Rub, Coffee-Cocoa Rub) created by Spencer O'Meara and Sarah Burchard, the talent behind the San Francisco-based brand. I decided to try them both out on some chicken so I could compare them with our family side-by-side.
Poultry Rub:
A perfect blend of herbs and spices for all of your poultry needs, no matter whether you are roasting, frying, grilling or sauteing.Coffee-Cocoa Rub:
2 oz tin ~ $7.00
Using the best ingredients from the San Francisco bay area, Blue Bottle Coffee and TCHO chocolate, we have created a rich, nutty and herbaceous rub great for braised meats, grilled lamb chops or steaks.* As a side note, I was especially excited to try out the Coffee-Cocoa Rub... as a life-long Seattlite with Scandinavian roots, coffee has been a big part of my life... even though I don't drink it. Gasp - yes, I admit to not being a huge fan, although I have worked at an espresso stand and love coffee ice creams and other coffee flavored treats. So I loved adding a coffee-based rub to my ever-expanding list of coffee-ish recipes - this will be a staple at our house.
2 oz tin ~ $7.00
When I cook with rubs, I either do the traditional "rub" where you rub the seasonings into meat and let it rest prior to cooking, or I create a wet rub by putting some olive oil into a zip-lock bag and adding the rub seasonings, squishing it around to make sure it is nicely mixed, then adding the meat and letting it marinade for a few hours. I used the latter method and had GREAT results!
I created two marinade bags and let the chicken marinade in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. I then heated up the grill and got cooking. I like to turn my meat every few minutes so it stays moist and doesn't dry out. This was great for the rubs as it kept the juices on the chicken and they turned out wonderfully.
The kids are sometimes picky when I put spices on "their" meat, so I was also impressed that each boy kept scarfing the chicken until it was gone. In the picture of the cut chicken, the Coffee-Cocoa Rub chicken is on the left and the Poultry Rub chicken is on the right.
It is rare that I find a marinade or rub that the entire family loves, but both of these were thumbs up by everyone.
Check out their website for some great recipes that use their rubs and marinades. Here are a few: Bacon-Ranch Potato Salad (I can't wait to give this one a try), Baked Beans, BBQ Spiced French Fries, Coffee-Cocoa Braised Short Ribs.
Also find them on Facebook and Twitter!
by S&S
2 oz tin ~ $7.00
Cooking ~ Marinades and Rubs
Edition Reviewed: I received two samples for my participation in this Karma Media campaign. All opinions and statements are 100% mine!

I have a few comments
1.Oh My, that chicken looks DIVINE! Someone has some serious talent to get that coloring.
2.Wear do you get your plates, they are GORGEOUS!!
Oh and of course, great review and I really want to try out their rubs now!!!
Wow those look delicious! I need to get my grill out and try this rub. Thanks for sharing :)
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