It is so much fun to see what everyone is getting in the mail.
Thanks for taking the time to visit ~ I just love hearing from you! Please let me know if you have read any of these books - I'd love to hear how you liked them!! :)
Here are the books that came into my house last week:
Bedtime Blessings 1 AND Bedtime Blessings 2 (2 books) by John Trent, Ph.D - Non-Fiction - Christian Living - These are two books I was really looking forward to from a cold request. They focus on spending quality time with your children before bed and give you a prayer to say each night.
Hip Handbags by Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader - Non-Fiction / Crafts - Cold Request
Kitty Raises Hell by Carrie Vaughn - Fiction - for an upcoming tour with Hachette Books
Pop Goes Crochet by Vickie Howell - Non-Fiction / Crafts - Cold Request
Quilts, BABY! by Linda Kopp - Non-Fiction / Crafts - Cold Request
The Strain ARC by Guillermo Del Toro - Fiction - Shelf Awareness find
Why GM Matters by William J. Holstein - Non-Fiction / Economics - Shelf Awareness find
What was in your mailbox last week??
If you would like to participate in Mailbox Monday, head over to The Printed Page and grab the logo. Make sure to visit other blogs hosting Mailbox Monday and comment/leave your link!
Looks like you got a pretty good haul too!!
You really had a great week! Here is mine
Hip Handbags looks like a lot of fun!
These are all unknown books for me this week. Enjoy them, though. The crafty ones look like fun!
Sounds like you received a nice collection last week!
Wow hit handbags...to craft them...fantastic.
Looks like you will be reading a wide variety. I've posted mine here: http://savvyverseandwit.blogspot.com/2009/03/mailbox-monday-19.html
Thanks for adding my interviews...I posted some more today....I've been a bit behind on getting them to you too...so no worries.
I hope you plan to blog about your craft projects!
My Mailbox Monday is here.
You always get so many books each week! WOW! I'm very curious about the Bedtime Blessings ... sounds like something that might be useful for my son.
Here is my post if you are interested:
Great books! I got the Kitty series too. A guilty pleasure!
The Hip Handbags looks great!
Great looking week--Hip Handbags looks like something right up my alley!
Great haul! I'm totally jealous of Kitty Raises Hell :) It will be neat to see how we each react to The Strain.
I've never thought of cold requesting craft books....what a great idea! I can always use quilt books! I've never ever thought of reviewing the ones I have. Hmm...might be time for genre expansion on the blog!
That's a lot of books! I don't think I've ever got so many in a week (through the mailbox, that is).
Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. Another good week for you. Enjoy your books!
I received the Strain as well - not sure when I'll get to it. I quilt so I am looking forward to your review of the baby quilt book!
Another busy week for you! The Vicki Howell book looks good. If I only I could crochet...
Diary of an Eccentric
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