Last week we talked about our favorite book(s) - yes, hard - I know :) . This week, I'd like to switch gears - instead of favorites, we are going to look at least-favorites - should be a little easier?? This doesn't have to mean a book that you hated, or one that you didn't finish, although it might be. . .
Questions (yes - there are a bunch - answer one or two . . . or all of them!): What is your least-favorite book(s)? Is your least-favorite book listed in your LT library? If it is listed, do you have anything special in the tags or comments section? How have others rated your least-favorite book?
My Answer: This one is easy for me. My least-favorite book is Feather Man by Rhyll McMaster. Now don't jump to conclusions here - it is actually an amazingly written book, but there is too much reality in it for me. We meet the main character as a young girl, and she is soon sexually abused by a neighbor. Her family falls apart, and both parents neglect her. The author is very descriptive and really brings the time and place to life for readers. For me, it was simply not happy enough.
This book is listed in my LT library, I added a very short review, and I rated it 2 1/2 stars. I have been warring with myself over this book for almost a year I think.
38 People on LT have this book in their library. Of those, 15 have written reviews, and 16 have rated it. The average rating is 3.66. I guess that means that I brought the average down.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
Great topic this week! Here's my post.
Ok, I do not have my post up...and will not have time to write it until I get home from work late this evening, but I just wanted to comment.
Not actually say anything...just comment.
Actually, I am happy to have the time to thing about this one...hmmmm
Mine is up...
I'm not sure I could pick out a least favorite book - if I hate it that much, I'd just stop reading it.
I'm happy to be back to TT! Here is my post.
I'm not organized enough on Library Thing to have everything up and rated yet (not enough time!). But I did check and my two lowest rated books (one star) were "Best Friends" by Martha Moody and "Songs Without Words" by Ann Packer. I finished both but contemplated quitting on both -- bad writing, formulatic messy writing, unlikable characters. Both were bad reads. The overall ratings for both were 3 stars and people who wrote reviews seemed to dislike them as much as me!
Interesting question. My answer is here.
I think I have to save my first ever post until next week cos my mind is blank
Mine is up!
Wendi, given the subject matter, it can't be a happy book. Did you know beforehand what the book was about?
Okay here is mine. I need to get up now and get some things done. Will make my rounds shortly.
Sorry to be so late again. I'll be interested to see all the horribly bad books everybody listed. Mine's here.
Glad to be back at Tuesday Thingers. Thanks for the interesting question. My answer is here
Here's mine!
Wendy, The Historian is a very good book but long! You need to be able to immerse yourself in it...
I'm not good at using tags either...requires too much effort sometimes.
Here is my post for today.
Finally have mine up. Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. :)
If I can't be first to post, maybe I can be last! What can I say....work called and they pay the bills.
But HERE is my post.
sometimes books w/too much reality can be very nonappealing.
Wendi, I plan to join in Tuesday Thinger soon. I've been doing some traveling (outside of the normal travel we do all the time) and so I've only been writing posts I can do ahead of time like Teaser Tuesday. I don't always have wifi or working internet access to be able to write on the exact day it's due. I'm still glad I joined Library Thing and learning something new each week.
Wendi, I plan to join in Tuesday Thinger soon. I've been doing some traveling (outside of the normal travel we do all the time) and so I've only been writing posts I can do ahead of time like Teaser Tuesday. I don't always have wifi or working internet access to be able to write on the exact day it's due. I'm still glad I joined Library Thing and learning something new each week.
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