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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Giveaway: Obama's Blackberry by Kasper Hausner (5 Winners)

The wonderful people at Hachette Book Group are helping me give away five copies of Obama's Blackberry by Kasper Hausner! The books will be shipped directly from the publisher.

From the Publisher:
When Obama stated that if elected, he would keep his Blackberry, debate echoed through Washington and among the ranks of the Secret Service. What would it be like to have a president who could Twitter, send text messages, and navigate the web with ease? What would it be like to receive a text message from inside the Oval Office and, most importantly, what would it say?

Now, for the first time, We The People are privy to our new leader's epistolary back-and-forths on his wily hand-held device. We're about to discover that his emails (and the replies, from his wife and daughters, Biden, Palen, Rush, Hannity, the new first puppy, and even Bush) are so tuned in to the language of electronic correspondence they come hilariously close to the brink of legibility.

This giftable, imagined glimpse into Obama's beloved Blackberry traverses the mundane and momentous contours of the Commander in Chief's life, from security briefings to spam, basketball practice to domestic bliss, and the panic of oops-I-hit-reply-all, to, of course, the trauma of dealing with the First Mother In Law.

To wit:

BidenMyTime: Hey U, whatcha doin?
BARACKO: M rly busy
BidenMyTime: Right :( Can I lv at 4:45?

And if you're not convinced about how funny the Kasper Hausner crew is, you can check out their videos from their previous book, SkyMaul.

To be included in the giveaway:
1. Leave a comment here and tell me what you like (or don't like) about texting, Twitter, etc, include your email (1 entry daily)
2. Leave a comment on the review (coming soon) (1 entry)
3. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and report it here (1 entry)
4. Become a follower and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)

The drawing will be held June 30th. Winners: I will send you each an email, you will need to reply with your address so I can forward it to the publisher or send the book directly to you. In the event that a winner does not respond, I will go to the next name in the drawing and notify them.

This giveaway is open to residents within the United States and Canada, but books will NOT be shipped to PO Boxes.

~ Wendi


Anonymous said...

Texting doesn't tie you to the phone.

Dixie said...

What I don't like about twitter is that all of a sudden everyone is a self-labeled "Social Media Expert" and they're all following me-lol.


Dixie said...

I am already a follower.

Nise' said...

I used to dislike sending a text with my old phone, but now with a keyboard it is so much quicker! I do not abbreviate, you get the whole word with me! LOL

Nise' said...

Oops, forgot to leave my email.

I am a follower as well.


Cindy said...

What I don't like about texting is that I am very slow at it. It takes me forever to send a text. My grown kids are pros at it and when they send me a text, it takes me forever to reply. Hopefully, I will get faster at it!
I would love to win this book! It sounds funny and interesting.

Cindy said...

I am a follower also.

Belle said...

This book sounds hilarious! What do I love/hate about Twitter: getting into the feel of the community (love), time-consuming (hate)

Sunnyvale said...

I really prefer calling, don't like "twittering"

Kitten22 said...

This looks great! Please enter me!

Texting is so high maintenence and you get sucked in to texting back and forth and waste so much time!


Kitten22 said...

I'm already a subscriber (through Google Reader)!


chromiumman said...

i'd really rather just call than text

Rita M said...

Texting & twittering - not my thing. I much prefer to actually make a call... guess its a generational thing!

Belinda M said...

I am not that crazy about texting because it is much more imprersonal than just picking up the phone and calling someone to tell them what you want to say. I would much rather hear the voice than just read the words

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Belinda M said...

I am a follower of your blog

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Anonymous said...

I'm just learning how to twitter. So far I like it


Anonymous said...

Blog follower


Carol EL said...

I've never texted and don't plan to.Iwould like to learn how to twitter,I'm having problems figuring that one out.

Carol EL said...

Blog follower-enter me.

LuAnn said...

Hmm ... I thought I left a comment yesterday, but I can't find it now! (I'm so confused.) That's OK, I'll just try again.
This book sounds like great fun! Please enter me in the drawing.


Tammy G. said...

I like that Twitter is to the point. Don't like that sometimes I can't see the point. I love Texting...short n' sweet.

Rita M said...

Don't Text or Twitter, but love to read... thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I don't like that you have to resort to atrocious spelling to fit what you're trying to say into a text ;)

thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com

wwrk said...

My wife really likes this book.


Angela said...

Twitter is such a great way to stay in touch with you're friends and family, and express thoughts to people in the world.


Yvonne said...

I'd love to be entered in this.


I'm also a follower.

I'm not big on texting because it takes so much time. I love keeping in touch with people through Twitter, but that can be time consuming too! LOL

danosor said...

Too impersonal.Give me a phone to phone call anytime over texting.

Carol EL said...

Daily entry. 05/24/09

cpullum said...

Count me in this book totally interests me! Twitter seems so difficult for me I don't have much time for it!
Happy Memorial Day!

L said...

I love texting especially since I got a phone with a keyboard.


L said...

I'm a follower.


Marianna said...

I don't understand Twitter. I mostly just use it to enter contests. To me it's basically the same thing as Facebook status updates? Facebook is more common around here. I'm confused! Thanks for the chance to win, regardless.

Marianna said...

I follow!

Carlene said...

I cant text, I have tried but I am to old and to slow. Please include me in your giveaway.

Carlene said...

I am a follower.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I hate getting text messages. I can understand if a person is in meeting or something, but I rather for them to call if they're not busy.

lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

Margot said...

Texting is way past my age group. Twittering is fun to read but I don't like to "talk" on it. I'm too self-conscious. This book looks fun to read.

My email is: margot.peckATgmailDOTcom

Margot said...

I already am a subscriber.


Cindy said...

Daily entry:
I do not know how to Twitter. I hear how great it is so will have to figure it out.
Cindy - Socmom213@aol.com

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I like texting as a way to talk to my husband during the day. I rarely text anyone else. I don't get twitter.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I follow in Google Reader!

Karen said...

Another great prize :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Sunnyvale said...

I abhor twittering and wish it would go away

Rita M said...

I'm a phone user, but just as a phone... don't text!

Karen said...

My Thursday 5/28 entry :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Daily entry.

Rita M said...

My daughter does all the texting in our family!

David Johnson said...

I don't twitter, I don't know how, I don't want to know how and I think it is unfair that some giveaways give bonus entries for twittering. If I did twitter, who would I twitter to? Thanks.

Ally said...

People use Twitter to whine instead of be funny or entertaining.

ccqdesigns said...

I love my blackberry, I can read my emails and respond to both my office account and my home account any time. So convenient!
I am a follower, and I tweeted at ccqdesigns.

Carol EL said...

Daily entry. 06/07/09

Rita M said...

You can tell a lot from someone's voice... not so much with texting!

Karen said...

My 06/08 entry.

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Rita M said...

Talker not a Texter!

Rita M said...

Have Phone - Will Use!

Karen said...

My 06/12 entry :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Karen said...

Count me in again please - 06/14 :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Esme said...

Do not enter me as I have read this book and am giving away copies-but this is possibly the funniest book I have read in a long time.

Carol EL said...

Daily entry:06/15/09

Rita M said...

Not so much a texter as a talker!

Rita M said...

I never signed up for the texting feature on my phone, so the text messages I get are from my service carrier!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I don't Twitter. I don't get the appeal. Texting is fine, especially when you're not in a position to talk, but the only person I really text is my husband!

Great giveaway. This book looks fun.

Jennifer said...

I love texting because the person at the other end can respond when it is convenient for them. :-)

Thank you!

Carol EL said...

Daily entry:06/19/09

duncan_beach@hotmail.com said...

I hate it. Too many people are texting and twittering when they should be driving. It's a stupid thing to do. We have actual LARGE vehicles here, like tractors, that can wipe out an SUV without the driver of said tractor blinking an eye.

Rita M said...

Another entry for me... I would text you, but I don't text!

Karen said...

I have become a text addict :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Jennifer said...

I just signed up for Twitter! I like that you can follow your favorite celebrity. Thank you!

Carol EL said...

I've never texted and don't plan to.Iwould like to learn how to twitter,I'm having problems figuring that one out. jelly15301@gmail.com

Ken said...

Texting and twittering are not my thing. But they are great subjects of humor. Let the satire begin. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

ossmcalc said...

I have a problem with texting in that students do it during class even though they know that it is not allowed. It just costs class time.

thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I am a follower.

Thank you,


Rita M said...

Still using my phone... as a phone!

Melanie Montgomery said...

Sometimes you have way too much to say for a text.


Anonymous said...

It is runaway communication.


Anonymous said...

Hi Texting is great. You don't have to worry about if someone can hear you. It works great. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not technologically savvy enough to understand Twitter, and I haven't texted at all, but I do check email and I do have a cell phone. Someday...

I really would like to win a copy of this book. My fingers are crossed.


Mishia said...

I love texting and twitter because it helps to be connected!

erma said...

I like to be able to communcate with people.

yadgirl said...

Texting is time consuming and expensive.

susan1215 said...

Texting is expensive and inpersonal.

Kathy P said...

i like twitter from the web but i hate texting hell i dont even know how to answer a cellphone :(

Rita M said...

Can't bring myself to signing up for the text feature on my cell... it's used only as a phone!

Kelly g said...

I don't like texring because it takes to long

Charlene Kuser said...

I think texting is great and
alot of times people don't feel like talking .I enjoy twitter and
have met alot of nice people because of tweeting.


Charlene Kuser said...

I am a follower


lilyk said...

I don't like how you charged for both sending and receiving text messages.


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I love texting. My thumbs have calluses cause I text too much. It's easier than talking on the phone.
(1 entry daily)

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

The book sounds interesting. The title is very cool.(1 entry)

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Posted on sidebar. (1 entry)

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Am a follower.(1 entry)

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