From the Publisher:
Being modern and manly in today's world isn't always easy.
Do you know how to tie a bow-tie, mix a martini, or make a potato gun?
Do you know when to get married and how to break up, or the difference between a bock beer and a bitter?
Do you know which urinal to choose or how to start a fire with a Coke can?
The answers to every man's burning questions are within these pages, from the morning wet shave to the whiskey night-cap, from hunting deer with a .30-06 to wooing women like 007. At a time when the sexes are muddled and masculinity is marginalized, THE MAN'S BOOK unabashedly celebrates maleness. Organized by subject in a man-logical way, it's the go-to guide for anyone with a Y chromosome.
To be included in the giveaway:
1. Leave a creative comment here and tell me something great about a man in your life (boyfriend, spouse, son, father, grandfather, boss), include your email (1 entry daily)
2. Leave a comment on the review (coming soon) (1 entry)
3. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and report it here (1 entry)
4. Become a follower and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)
The drawing will be held June 30th. Winners: I will send you each an email, you will need to reply with your address so I can forward it to the publisher or send the book directly to you. In the event that a winner does not respond, I will go to the next name in the drawing and notify them.
This giveaway is open to residents within the United States and Canada, but books will NOT be shipped to PO Boxes.
~ Wendi
My husband and I have been married for almost 38 years. He still sends me flowers and brings little surprises home for me. Last week, he gave me a beanie-type stuffed bear that is an I Love You! bear. It is sitting on my desk next to my computer.
I am also a follower. I love reading your blog. I would love to win a copy of this book for my hubby!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
My husband and I will be married 25 years on May 26th. He is a very caring and sincere man. He has never forgotten my birthday or anniversary. He is always ready to help do the dishes and always helped when our twin boys and daughter were little. He would change diapers alot! He's one of the good guys!
My husband of 40 years is the best! He has a very dry sense of humor, a passion for USC football and is an awesome husband & dad.
my husband love to buy me new clothing just because he love me. mverno@roadrunner.com
My father had to change some of his travel plans when it was decided that I was going to go with him because due to a health issue I am unable to fly. He was accepting of the fact that we had to go by train and by boat to our destinations.
My father also was at the hospital every day when my sister was going through her cancer treatment.
He is there for each of his 7 kids and also for each of his 10 grandchildren. He is there for his 6 in-law children as well.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
Blog follower
I've been wanting to check this out for my husband, but winning it would be better!
stacybooks at yahoo
This would be a fun read, after over 50 years there are still some things my husband and I don't know about each other!
My husband had to quit working four years ago because of his health. Now he's the housekeeper,cook, and babysitter for the grandkids. I have it pretty easy.
Still a Blog follower.
My husband brings laughter to my life and to the kids as well. When we are all together there is always laughter:) Thanks for the great giveaway:)
i want to win
I'm sure you've heard of the saying "Live - Laugh - Love", well my husband makes all of these things possible for me!
I would love to win this book.
My husband my friend is the humourist in the family.He brings the family laughter,security and a sense of glad we;r alive at this point of our lives.
Daily entry. 05/24/09
My husband is faithful, fit, and funny. He is a great Dad and Husband.
My boyfriend and I been together for 5 years - my longest relationship! So he's definitely a keeper. ~lol~
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
My boyfriend makes me laugh. He is so funny and cute!
smchester at gmail dot com
I follow!
smchester at gmail dot com
My father instilled a belief in honesty, no matter what. He refused to go down to the local theater (walking distance) after my oldest brother ran home to tell him his name had been drawn as a cash winner (during the depression) because you needed to be there during the drawing and it was dishonest to pretend he had been there when they drew his name.
Daily entry:
I have 3 sons who are as thoughtful as their dad is! They all call frequently and never forget birthdays or anniversaries. The 3 sons are all coming to visit us in June!
I would love to win a copy of this book for my hubby and 3 sons! Thanks for the giveaway!!
My husband is a great man. He works two jobs (24 hour shifts each) as an EMT to provide for our family.
Adam Wohlwend is the most beautiful man I've ever met. His soul sparkles! He is unconditionally kind and loving to all despite any differences they may be between him and the other. He is forgiving and creative and God-loving. I love him.
The only bad thing about my husband is that he has to travel a lot on business!
My Thursday 5/28 entry :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Daily entry. 05-30/09
Have husband, will travel! I've seen places I never in a million years thought I would be able to go to... luckily my hubby likes to check out new places.
My Dad is a great listener, thanks.
count me in I need some summer reads
Have man, nuff said!
One great thing about my dad-he's always there for me when I'm in trouble, whether I have a flat tire at 2 in the morning or a leaky sink, he'll drop what he's doing to help me out.
I follow
Daily entry. 06/07/09
Same great hubby, just back for another entry!
Though I didn't grow up with my dad, I still genetically have some of his quirks like ALWAYS being late and being super clean
One of the things I love about my husband is his love of animals. He is a die-hard dog person and has spoiled every dog we've ever had!
Great Hubby! Great Giveaway!
My hubby is the ultimate fixer! He can fix absolutely anything. When he was fixing up our camping trailer, he actually stiched all the seatcovers and cushions himself as well as replacing all the walls and floors!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
I also love that my husband is always learning new things. It's one of the things I think is the most important in life!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My 06/12 entry :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My dad is another wonderful man in my life. He always makes time to play with his grandson and has adopted my husband as a son of his own. I love to just sit and chat with him; we both love to learn new things so it's always an enlightening conversation!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My brothers are wonderful men in my life as well. Now that we're all adults, I get the chance to really appreciate them as people and not as kids. We always have conversations filled with laughter!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
Count me in again please - 06/14 :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My dad's awesome, and I think of him on a daily basis!
My first child was a son, and I love watching the men in my life help him to grow into a man himself. He's the best little man in my life, and he always cheers me up if I'm feeling sad!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My mechanic is great. He not only fixes my car, but he tells me how much it's going to cost, to the dime, before he lifts a wrench. Then he does something strange...Even if it puts him thousands of dollars in the hole, he fixes it at the price he stated.
Super Husband, Super Giveaway!
I love that my husband is always willing to help someone with a problem. He'll stop and help someone stuck in the winter, boost up a stalled car, or whatever is needed to help out someone stranded!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
Another entry for happily married me (which would not be possible without hubby being a truly great guy!).
I love my husband's strong presence in my life. Not only do I have him to lean on in times of trouble, but he has taught me how to be a stronger person as well!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My creative, innovative and outdoorsy husband has brought such joy to my life! But the best thing of all about him is that he gave me such a wonderful family; a beautiful son and another child on the way for us both to treasure and cherish!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
Daily entry:06/19/09
My hubby supports me with unwavering faith in my endeavors. His belief has driven me to new heights of excellence!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My father was a hard worker, who never skipped a day while he was alive-except to attend to family functions, such as weddings, funerals, reunions, and the like.
My husband is always willing to try something new. I'm an avid reader, but he's never been that interested in reading. At his current job, he's started taking a book to read during slow periods, and he's loving it!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
I love that my son is so similar to me. Always moving, always looking for something new, always full of smiles and energy...even at his most mischevious he makes every day a joy!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
I love my husband's love of fatherhood. Just watching him, you know that there's nothing in the world that could make him happier than just spending time with his boy.
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My husband is the best man ever - he just had surgery days ago and he's still concerned with making sure he's helping around the house. I keep telling him to relax and lay down but when he sees I'm cleaning or the like, he always tries to help. He is the most amazing person, I love him so much.
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
I love that my husband is so determined to provide for his family. He works tirelessly to make sure that we have everything we could ever want!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
Count me in again :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
My father is amazing in his consideration for his family. We were raised very outdoorsy, which means I have a deep respect of nature and a lot more physical strength to call on than most women. Even though my dad knows that, he would never consider asking me to help him move or lift things. It's just not in his makeup; he was raised in a different time and wouldn't dream of asking his daughter to do any kind of heavy work.
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
my father would help anyone with anything, he's the best! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Daily entry:06/26/09 jelly15301@gmail.com
My half-brother is eighteen, and so puts on a typical "tough-guy" show, but he is actually the kindest and most caring person imaginable. He's always willing to spend some time playing with my son and he's rescued a few abused animals in the last year.
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My boyfriend works a second job to take care of his parents, just so they can enjoy their later years and not have to worry. I have so much respect for him.
My husband spoils me with plants, flowers and treats all the time!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
daily entry 6/27/09 brdgcombs@aol.com
Well, I can't say my DH brings me flowers or anything like that but... he lets me sleep in a few extra minutes and wakes up with the kids on the weekend mornings...
My dad is wonderful because he puts up with the crazy life of being a v.p. at his company, a semi-pro poker player, as well as dad to an Autistic adult, 2 8 year old boys (one who is severely ADHD), and 2 tween/teen girls!
I love that my hubby's not afraid to show his sensitive side. He cries at sad movies just like me!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My boyfriend is just the most amazing person. He tries really hard to take care of me, and its hard right now because we are both struggling with money. But he still makes all the efforts in the world to take me out, and make me feel special.
My brother is overseeing Our Dad's care!
If I had made a list of qualities I would want in a son in law, I could not have come up with a person half as amazing as Jason! I could not begin to tell all of his wonderful qualities, but I can tell you our family has been truly blessed! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
My hubby is so hard working and there for everyone.
My father is the most easygoing person in the world. Nothing gets him riled up, and we always know he's there if we need him!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My husband is a great father and supportive of everything I do
my husband his the best handy man I know con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
My son in law respects women and spoils all of us rotten! He treats the ladies of this family like royalty!!! Plus -- he is tons of fun to be around!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My husband is my and my daughter's best friend. garrettsambo@aol.com
One more time! Back for another entry... same adorable hubby.
my hub is an awesome guy he has been there for me since we were teenagers.we have been married 24 years and he has helped me get through many tragic moments such as the loss of my mother and the loss of 2 of our children.without him i would have given up long ago.he is my best friend and my world
My husband has made just about every dream of mine come true :)
my husband of 30 years is a great man 2 all.
My fiancé is very smart and funny.
My hubby is so much fun; I just know he would love to read about some of the fun things in this book! He always loves to do new things!
curtiskaty at hotmail dot com
My Father still cooks lunch for me. Grilled cheese and veggie soup.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
The book sounds interesting. What a cute cover.(1 entry)
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Posted contest on sidebar.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Am a follower.(1 entry)
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
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