Did you know that clouds can provide you a visual way to see the tags and authors you have in your library, and the more you have of a certain author or tag, the bigger the name/word will be?
Where to look for your clouds: Go to your profile tab, then look down the items of your profile (on mine, Clouds is the 4th item down the page). You can select either the cloud for your tags, or your authors.
Be sure to check out the Tag Mirror (once you click on a cloud, it will be an option below the tabs across your screen), which shows you how other Library Thing users have tagged the books you have. I loved seeing this one!!
Questions: Have you looked at your LT Clouds? Were you surprised at any of the larger tags within the Tag Mirror? Any thoughts on the clouds in general?
My Answer:

*I've used SnagIt to capture the screenshots of part of my clouds
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
I've looked at my author cloud and that's fun but not very surprising. I'll have to take a look at the other options.
I didn't know about the mirror tag...that is cool, as is MY POST...lol
Clouds! Inside and out today for me! Here is my post.
Clouds for a cloudy day (at least around here). This was a fun topic! My post is up.
Here's mine!
Here is my post for this week!
Hi Princess Wendi, I've given you an award. Stop by for the logo when you get a chance. Have a great day!
Psst...i gave you an award here: http://www.savvyverseandwit.com/2009/05/true-fairy-tale-award-more.html
Hi Wendi,
You may have already covered this in previous Tuesday Thingers but . . . I was trying to post my first review to LT. It must have taken me a half hour. There is nothing that says "click here to post your review". At least I did not see it. What do others do? I finally clicked on someone else's review of the same book and it opened up a spot for me. Just a suggeston for TT.
Tuesday Thingers on Friday :-).
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