My Answer: I do enjoy the Home Page, and don't know that I have even checked my Profile page very much. I tend to look at my recently added books and the most recent activity in the groups I participate in. I do occasionally take a peak at the basic stats on the home page as well. Otherwise, I don't get a lot of use out of the home page.
I'm sorry to say that Marie is going to pass the torch on to someone else for Tuesday Thingers - I think she has done a wonderful job of posting great questions each week that help us to learn more about the LT site! Thanks for all your hard work Marie!
~ Wendi
About the only time I look at my profile page is when I have a new comment.
I enjoy the Home Page, too, and the first thing I look for is the recently added books and the most recent activity in my groups.
Yes, I too usually only go to my profile to read a new comment...hopefully one that says I won an ER book this month!
hmmm...maybe not the time to mention again that I have won one every month that I have belonged...Come on Kitty, we best run!!
I enjoy the home page too. I don't use my profile page as much since they added the home pages.
Hi Wendy-
I have my password and info saved in my browser, and my bookmark for LT is linked directly to my library, so whenever I click on my browser's bookmark, it takes me directly to my library without having to sign in or go thru my homepage.
I wish I could change where on the Home Page items appear. I'd love to have the group activity higher up ...
I only go to my Profile page when I have a new comment (message) posted.
Marie has done a good job, I was sad to hear too. Can't wait to see who is going to take over!
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