I just love this book - take a peak at my review HERE. I really can't say enough great things about this book. It is very helpful, providing a great list of things to clean, how to clean them, and how often to clean them. Additionally, the author provides many home-made cleaning solutions that are just as effective as store-bought chemicals, but are healthier for you and your family!
You CAN enter daily, but make sure you leave different cleaning or organizing suggestions each time!
To be included in the giveaway:
1. Leave a comment here and include a quick cleaning or organizing tip and your email (1 entry daily)
2. Leave a comment on the review (1 entry)
3. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and report it here (1 entry)
4. Become a follower and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)
The drawing will be held Thursday March 12th. Winners: I will send you each an email, you will need to reply with your address so I can forward it to the publisher or send the book directly to you. In the event that a winner does not respond, I will go to the next name in the drawing and notify them.
This giveaway is open to residents within the United States and Canada, but books will NOT be shipped to PO Boxes.
~ Wendi
My tip is "Throw it away". If you don't use it, if its broken, if you don't like it, if you can't identify it, if you have three others just like it...THROW IT AWAY
Do small amounts of cleaning daily as time permits so u don't get overwhelmed:)
Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes, and tell yourself you can stop cleaning when it goes off. Reset the timer if you're on a roll, or take a break and do some more later. Thanks for the offer!
Keep Lemon Ammonia and cleaning cloths under every sink. It makes quick clean-up convenient and easy.
My tip is use it till its gone and don't buy just because you want- because you want and its on sale or cheap does it mean you will use it?
Donate or toss it- have boxes by the door to take to salvation army- to donate to school or library
I use diluted vinegar to keep the hard water deposits off my dishwasher.
A paper towel soaked in distilled vinegar and left on a hard water stain works well.
laurieahigh at yahoo dot com
I keep a roll of garbage bags in the bottom of each garbage can so when I take out a full bag it's easy to reload an empty one!
I learned this from a hotel.
Use those small increments of time you spend "waiting" to clean out a drawer, closet or your purse.
Clean from top to bottom. ie, Tops of pictures, armoirs etc down to the floor.
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
Do one thing at a time, don't try to do everything at once. Finish it and then move on to the next thing. Thanks for the contest.
I too have boxes in the house and I periodically toss stuff in them to take to the huge charity garage sale held twice a year here. I try to not buy things I do not need or that I cannot use for a long time. My big thing is books but I either donate them after I read them to various charities or groups or I pass them along to a friend that may enjoy them- I cannot throw away a book!
I too have boxes in the house and I periodically toss stuff in them to take to the huge charity garage sale held twice a year here. I try to not buy things I do not need or that I cannot use for a long time. My big thing is books but I either donate them after I read them to various charities or groups or I pass them along to a friend that may enjoy them- I cannot throw away a book!
apoalillo at hotmail dot com
Go through mail one time and make decisions to file it, deal with it or trash it immediately. This keeps papers from piling up.
Don't let it overwhelm you! If you don't have time to finish today, nothing terrible will happen to you, and you can begin again, fresh and enthusiastic, the next day........or the next.
I like to tackle one room at a time. It saves energy, and then you can see the fruits of your labors quicker.
My tip is, get one of those Pledge Fabric Sweepers for Pet Hair. They do work, and save frustration.
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
do every day a little bit, so you only deal wih little messes
seesessel (at) gmail (dot) com
if your my age you should write lists to help you remember things that need to be done or even bought mverno@roadrunner.com
make the kids help!!!
With the amount of junk mail I get, I open it right next to the trash can so it can be thrown away directly instead of being put on a pile to be gone thru later. Less clutter that way.
Have your cleaning supplies handy, the sprays, polishes, whatever. If you have to root around to gather the rags, and other items, the job won't get done.
I use recyclable grocery bags for shopping all the time. It took me a while to get used to it though! I'd end up bringing in my groceries and leaving my bags inside. Now I try to be organized and immediately put the bags in my car once I'm done storing my groceries. :)
always leave a clean kitchen sink before going to bed
plur268 at yahoo dot com
Use diluted vinegar/water to put through your coffee maker once it really needs cleaning. The vinegar will clean out all the pipes inside and after your run through a couple of just water - your coffee will taste much better!!
I guess the vinegar gets rid of the hard water deposits which can affect the taste.
Always think of troops overseas.
God bless them
My cleaning tip is the next time your in your home improvement store grab some emty sprayers. Use the sprayers for a diluted vinegar solution that cleans windows wonderfully. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Left a comment on the review. Thanks trishden
I became a follower! trishden
Give kids chores to help---- they are responsible for doing this chore every week. For example, dust the main floor, vacuum the basement, etc.. Thanks for the great giveaway:)
My tip is hang fabric sheets on a few hangers inthe closet. It will make your clothes keep that freshly laundered smell!
Each time you leave a room, look around and do one small thing to make it look better. Little things do add up.
A short 10 minute tidy at the end of the day - walk around with a basket and collect out-of-place items and return them to their proper 'homes'
dryer sheets are great for dusting after you have used them
Something I read on someone else's blog awhile back (sorry can't remember who it was!) - Use a small address book to keep track of all the websites/passwords that you need!
I could really use this book!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
If you are going to another part of the house for some reason, pick up an item that needs to be put away in that area. Never go down the hall empty handed!
I already follow your blog : )
win the lottery - the you an easily afford to pay someone to organize nd clean!
email is in blogger profile
I use Mrs Meyers cleaning products and have found that, with the laundry detergent, you can use half of the recommended amount if you stretch the washing cycle to 10 or 14 minutes. Comes in handy, since my hubby is chronically ill and soils most of his clothing.
My tip is to not wear your shoes in the house. It really cuts down on the dirt.
I commented on your review
I'm following you
Stay with natural products...baking soda and vinegar do wonders!
I blogged here
If you just CAN'T part with something, just put it in a box and date it. Then one year later, if it's still in the box and you haven't used it at ALL, why THEN you can throw it out or give it away, and it won't bother you because you haven't used it anyway.
Have a reward waiting for you after a tough job. It's easier to get a job done if you know there's something nice waiting for you at the end of it.
My tip is to do a little a day as it really does add up! ~ :) Thanks!
sounders68 [at] gmail.com
Clean from top to bottom so that any dust or items fall to the floor so that you only have to clean it once
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
You can quickly freshen your walls by wiping them with a cloth wrapped over a swiffer head. Quick and easy. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
My tip is VINEGAR. It works to clean sooo much (counters, glass, cutting boards, hard water stains, wood when mixed with olive oil) or can be used as a rinse aid in the dishwasher. It is an extremely cheap, green way to make cleaners at home.
By the way, I'm already a follower of your blog with my Google Reader.
No where is something that I could REALLY use. I need a lot of help to get my house looking sparkly clean again. This sounds like my answer.
As for tips? Well, perhaps this will do. If I have something that needs to be done once a week, like water my plants,I do it on the SAM DAY each week and that way I can't forget!
Keep cleaning supplies in each bathroom to make things more convenient. If it's there, it is more likely to get used often.
Don't keep all your cleaning supplies in one place. Have them close to the room you use them in most. Like have bathtub scrub in bathroom not under kitchen sink. Unless you use it in kitchen sink. Then have two bottles, one in bathroom and one under sink.
Overwhelmed? Set a timer for say, 15 minutes for ONE room. I guarantee when that timer rings, you will be on a roll and not want to stop.
Also, stay in one room until done...meaning, don't bounce from room to room- and get nothing done in all of them
Pick one thing each day that really bothers you and do something about it!
(I hope you are going to collect and publish these tips in a post when this giveaway is over -- it would be great!)
Start a file for receipts and put all of them in there as soon as you get home from the store. If you need it later for a return or a rebate, it's where you can find it quickly.
Just do the best you can, and things will work out and look fine.
I change the bathroom hand towels at the end of each day, and use the back of the "dirty" towel to quickly wipe off any water marks from the counter and fixtures. It's not a true cleaning, but it's an improvement!
dawn [at] sheistoofondofbooks [dot] com
I learned over the years, that the number one reason a mess forms is from being a pack rat. My best advice is to throw things away.
Choose different colours for files:
Blue - his
Red - hers
Yellow - ours
use a label maker for file names.
Filing away the bills will be a breeze.
Throw it away if you don't use it or donate it :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Each time you leave a room take something with you to put away.
Collect all those things you THOUGHT you needed...and DON'T, and have a yard sale. You'd be surprised the things people will buy, and YOU will have money to buy things you REALLY want.
If company is coming and you haven't had time to dust....just don't MOVE anything and unless it's REALLY bad, no one will notice the dust!
I used to accumulate newspapers, now I read them and immediately put them in the recycle bin. The same for mail, I go through the mail and discard anything that's not important; therefore you eliminate junk piling up.
I live by the "if I don't use it in a year, I don't need it" rule and I also open the mail over the garbage can so not much paper accumulates.
apoalillo at hotmail dot com
Count me in again please :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
If you haven't used it in a year, THROW IT OUT!
Go through old files and shred anything you no longer need especially if they are over 10 years old. The shredded papers can then be recycled.
I try to clean by room are area- so I don't feel overwhelmed. Playing fun music while you clean makes it less boring.
kaytewatts AT aol DOT com
Washing windows or cleaning mirrors, I use vinegar and water mixture and dry the glass with newspaper. The newspaper does not leave streaks for some reason. This cleaning method was passed down to me by my mother. Now you can always use windex to wash with.
Nobody likes to clean the toilet. Every other day, I use scrubbing bubbles for toilets wand - just discard the used pad in the trash can. Quick and easy to clean your toilet.
This sounds like JUST what I need to get me jump-started on Spring Cleaning. Come on and help me out??
As for a tip...just DUMP the stuff you haven't used in a year. That will clean out closets quickly.
My tip is to choose a different room or chore for each day of the week and only do that chore. It really helps for people who are crunched for time.
If you spread the work out, and instead of trying to clean ALL rooms in one day, do a room a day. It helps.
Finish one job before you start another
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
To motivate myself I put a song on the radio and see how much I can clean up by the time it is over.
I completely clean one room-top to bottom before I start another room I usually plan 2 days for each room Also I go through all my magazines that I say I'm going to read but dont get the chance and bundle them up to take them to the doctors office the next time I go
I also have wastepaper baskets in all rooms of the house makes it so much easier to just toss something in the trash instead of letting papers or what not build up
Line waste paper baskets with the plastic bags you get at grocery stores. Then all you have to do is lift that bag OUT, when it's full and put in a new one. Nice and easy.
Pass on items that you don't need.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
teach family members to carry upstairs things placed on the steps or to carry downstairs things placed on the steps.
Do not wash your windows when the sun shines on them. This will cause streaks.
When i'm doing my spring cleaning, i open the windows, and spray a touch of air freshener or a light perfume or even rub a fresh dryer sheet on the curtain. The breeze blowing thru the curtain will make your entire house smell wonderful!
I use diluted vinegar to clean the hard water marks off the shower tiles.
throw out your junk mail on your way back to the house from the mailbox- that way it doesn't accumulate while you wait to sort through it.
I like to leave an empty laundry basket in the main rooms. That way when you are cleaning up, just throw all the things that don't belong in the basket & it makes it easier to lug them around the house where they do belong.
i like to do quick cleaning sessions throught the day, go out to check the mail wash the counters down, go to the bathroom? clean the sink, bring the laundry downstairs? sweep the halls,,, doesnt seem to be so MUCH to do when I incorporate it into everything else I do
i find it's way too easy for me to be distracted when I'm cleaning. Guess i have ADD. Now I put on a CD and listen to it while I do a chore. When the CD is finished I stop that chore and take a break.
teechbiz at gmail dot com
I keep lemon ammonia under every sink. Makes clean up a snap.
If you haven't looked at it or used it in a year - throw it out! (Actually, give it away)
I'm a follower!
put things away at the time. when things pile up, that's when it can get out of control.
i pick up every nigh before I go to bed
We collect water in a rainbarrel to be used in the garden.
My tip is to use the big green trash bag cleaning for company. Throw all the clutter in the bags and stuff in a closet.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Do a Spring and Fall Cleaning every year and throw out everything you haven't used in the last six months because you probably forgot you even had it.
Clean doorknobs frequently; they are very germy!
When picking up I put everything that needs to go upstair at the bottom of the steps and then I only have to make one trip upstairs when I'm done!!
Throw your junk mail out as soon as you open it! If you lay it down it really just keeps piling up!!
if u havnt used in 6 months u dont need it
Throw away something as soon as your done with it, we have so much clutter and junk that piles up that we just end up throwing away anyway.
Don't wash baseball caps in the washing machine, wash them on the top rack of the dishwasher.
Once a month, run the dishwasher empty with baking soda and vinegar to get rid of buildup.
I do a few minutes of cleaning during tv commercials. A little here and there adds up and commercials are annoying to watch most of the time anyways, lol....
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
One tip that I find useful is to dry out the tub/shower after each use. This really does help prevent scum buildup
also following your blog via google reader
Avoid toxic cleaners and use harmless ones such as baking soda and vinegar.
Use a squeegie instead of paper towels to clean windows and mirrors; it's faster and you'll leave no streaks behind. asthenight at gmail dot com
Don't keep things hidden in a drawer because you don't know what to DO with them. Just TOSS THEM! No problem after that.
Each of my family members is in charge of cleaning a certain room.
Hey ya dont have to have a massive cleaning day! Just do a little every day!
have everyone join in a 15 min cleanup
Give each family member a job to do. It makes cleaning go faster
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
People have gotten so hung up on the newest cleaners available, that they forget how many things can be cleaned with a wet rag.
If you have a hard to remove stain on your carpet, try Spot Shot aerosol spray. It works so well!
Have designated spots for recycling and keep it organized. Recycling and reusing things are important, but it might end up all over your house so have bins for storing until you make your recycling trip!
Collect all cleaning products in a crrying tote which you can carry from room to room. garrettsambo@aol.com
I start off top to bottom and left to right. Finish one area before starting on another. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
recycle and reuse and use freecycle when u can
Clean from top to bottom.
I am a follower.
I love using Swiffer dusters but if you happen to be out, old/unmatched socks are great to dust with too!
I follow.
I mix mouth wash with hot water to mop & freshen up my floors! It cleans & leaves a minty fresh scent & is not toxic.
I follow!
If you are like me cleaning means emptying everything, cleaning it and reorganizing. That gets overwhelming and after your are done you are exhausted and won't 'clean' again for weeks. :)
Instead, break down jobs into small increments. Make a list if you need to. Clean out one drawer or one shelf or just one box. When you are finished you can either start another small chore or just mark it off your list and do another tomorrow.
My tip for organizing is to break things down into smaller steps so things don't look so overwhelming.
Please count me in! I NEED this to help me with my bedroom! My Mom took my copy. Thanks for the chance to win :) Tryingtostaycalm@gmail.com
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