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Monday, September 7, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: Darcy and Anne (ARC Edition) by Judith Brocklehurst

TEASER TUESDAYS : Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading ~ I always look forward to reading everyone's teasers!

My 2 “Teaser” Sentences (and a few extras for effect) for today:

Mr. Bennet began, reading from some papers in his lap. It was an historic tale - a prose story, written in such a poetic vein as to be almost poetry; a tale of a castle by moonlight, and a young girl waiting, sadly, for someone who did not return. The water fell splashing into the fountain, the white roses bloomed, the young girl wept. When Mr. Bennet stopped, Georgiana drew a deep breath, and Mrs Caldwell wiped away a tear.

~ p. 76, “Darcy and Anne" by Judith Brocklehurst

*** Please note that this teaser was taken from the uncorrected advance copy, and the final version may be slightly different. I am really enjoying this book, and will have the review up very shortly!!***

From Amazon:
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Lady Catherine will never find a husband or Anne…

When a fortuitous accident draws Anne away from Rosings and her overbearing mother's direct influence, she is able to think and act for herself for the first time ever. In the society of her cousins Darcy and Georgiana, and, of course, the lively Mrs. Darcy, Anne reveals a talent for writing and a zest for life.

Meanwhile, Lady Catherine is determined to choose a husband for Anne. But now that Anne has found her courage, she may not be so easy to rule.

Anne de Bourgh is a sympathetic character whose obedience and meekness were expected of women in her day. As she frees herself from these expectations, Anne discovers strength, independence, and even true love in a wonderfully satisfying coming-of-age story.

~ Wendi


Harvee44 said...

Sounds like a good book with a good topic for young readers - finding a suitable husband!!

My tease: Teaser

Andrea said...

Great teaser! I've never read a Pride and Prejudice "sequel" but it sounds great!

Jo-Jo said...

Oh that sounds sad. Thanks for the teaser!

Jenna said...

That sounds really interesting! Thanks for the teaser. I look forward to your review of the book.

Missy B. said...

Good teaser!

Happy Tuesday!

Beth F said...

Sounds like fun! I'll look for your review.

Anonymous said...


I love your Tuesday Teaser. I've read this one. I love these Austen sequels.

JoAnn said...

Sounds like a good one! Thanks for the teaser.

Jennifer said...

Great teaser. I always wondered about poor Anne. I will be looking for this to ad to the ever growing TBR list.
Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/tuesday-teaser_07.html

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of this one. Thanks for the Teaser.

ibeeeg said...

I have seen this title pop up several times in my book searches. I have been curious and now after your teaser, I would like to know more.

Look forward to your review.

Here is my Teaser Tuesday

Susan said...

I love "Austenesque" books! Great teaser this week :) Here's my teaser.

Ryan said...

Great teaser! My only journey into Austenland has been Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. One of these days I keep telling myself I will read more. Thanks for brining a book to my attention.

Karissa E said...

Loved your teaser too! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

jlshall said...

Sounds like a fun book - a little more interesting than some of the other books out lately, trading on the Jane Austen fad. Looking forward to seeing what you think about it. Nice teaser!

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

Interesting book you are reading there. I have also never read a P&P spin-off book as I call them but this one could be fun. I'll be looking for your review on this one.

Jacqueline C. said...

I love all things Jane Austen and this sounds good! I'll have to look into it.

avisannschild said...

Sounds promising! Thanks for commenting on my teaser.

Aimee said...

Beautiful teaser!

Zia said...

Sounds like a great read. Nice teaser!

kayerj said...

is it a take of Pride and Prejudice?

Lizzy said...

Sounds like an interesting read, and I'll definitely add this one to my list. I'm a big fan of Austen, and I always pitied Anne a bit.

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

Sounds like a very enjoyable book. Great teaser!

Cecelia said...

What a great teaser! I've signed up to read this book for the Everything Austen challenge, but haven't thought twice about it since then. It sounds really good. Thanks!

My teaser is here.

Laya said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Ooooh, a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. I like that. Good teaser!


what a giggle! thanks

Teddyree said...

Sounds like a good one, I havent read a P&P spin-off yet. Thanks for sharing!

Sab H. said...

Funny teaser! ;D

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