About the book (from the publisher): Meet Tess Drake. She’s earned everything she has. Now it’s time to get what she deserves…
Sexy super-agent Tess Drake has worked hard to make a name for herself in the glamorous yet cut-throat entertainment industry. Tess works at an international agency, where she skillfully manages some of the world's biggest egos—her company, Bardwell International operates in the thrilling, fast-paced worlds of Rights, wrongs and revenge. Tess has been an agent there for longer than she cares to remember and now she's in trouble. Real trouble. After the mysterious death of the agency's senior partner, Lowell Bardwright, Tess's sworn enemy, Cosima Tate, has taken over and would do anything to send Tess's career down in flames. And Cosima is only one of the rogue’s gallery of agents in London and New York who want Tess to take a fall.
Tess has another little complication, too. She’s sleeping with men on both sides of the Atlantic who are in bed with the women who are trying to sink her.
Can Tess jump ship without losing her clients and breaking her heart? Or will she lose everything before finding out if she really has what it takes to do what she’s always wanted?
There’s risk and reward in this wickedly funny novel that turns the world of agenting inside out and lays bare all the ambition, sex, adrenaline, bad luck, and good luck at the center of one young woman’s success.
About the author (from the publisher): Ally O’Brien is the pseudonym for a writing duo that includes an international bestselling author of suspense novels and a successful, well-known international entertainment agent based in London. Visit them at http://www.allyobrien.com/.
You can enter this giveaway daily!!!
To be included in the giveaway:
1. Leave a comment here and include a quick date night idea and your email (I need a way to contact you if you win!) (1 entry daily)
2. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and report it here (1 entry)
3. Become a follower and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)
The drawing will be held February 17th. Winners: I will send you each an email, you will need to reply with your address so I can forward it to the publisher. In the event that a winner does not respond, I will go to the next name in the drawing and notify them.
This giveaway is open to residents within the United States and Canada.
~ Wendi
Count me in. I like going out to eat sushi on my "dates".
I am already a follower.
Please enter me. I like a date night with a good movie.
I am already a follower in Google Reader.
This sounds good - please enter me. I'm a dinner and movie type of gal. I am also subscribed.
Please enter me in the drawing - we like to go to the (horse) race track on a date!
I also follow your blog.
kherbrand (at) comcast (dot) net
Movie and dinner always work, but not really original
camp out? Haha
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
a good movie is nice
sitting on the lanai when it is raining watching the lightning and sharing a bottle of wine. NO tv on!!
I am a follower already
blanket on the floor and something like chicken or sushi from the deli and make a picnic in the lr or outside
What a huge giveaway! Since our son is out of the house, we have date nights quite often these day. My favorite is probably dinner and/or a movie. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I am a subscriber.
bowling and pizza con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
dinner and a movie
Take-out Chinese or chicken and a picnic table at the park is a nice date.
1bmore @ gmail .c om
We usually go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks work their magic!
When hubby and I want to do something new for a date we usually start driving down unfamiliar streets until we come across a restaurant we haven't tried before. We've found lots of great places that way!
I would say a good date night would be the typical dinner and a movie.
Great snacks, great movie-great snuggling!! Thank you!
We like to go out for a cup of cocoa on cold nights, and an icecream on warm nights.
I've been a follower for awhile!
I am now following :) My favorite "date" or moment with my boyfriend is when we are by ourselves (in a park, on a playground, at a restaurant, in bed, etc.) and just talk about random things about ourselves, movies, etc. So that would be my date idea :)
I am following.
cecilia // cecpham(at)gmail.com
I just posted this on the sidebar My Grapevine on the very bottom in lavendar at my blog.
cecilia (again) // cecpham(at)gmail.com
We usually go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks work their magic!
A quick date would be rent a movie, pop some popcorn, and a nice fire to cuddle up to as you watch a movie:)
I'd love to be entered! My hubby and I sometimes wait for our daughter to go to bed and spend hours playing video games together. It's a lot of fun, but not something we'd do all the time.
Btw, I'm a follower!
Diary of an Eccentric
diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com
a quick date night idea would be having supper infront of a fireplace and watching a movie together
A quick date night tip....I love just snuggling up and watching a movie myself :)
I'm a subscriber also.
We usually go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks work their magic!
Thanks for the chance. I love sushi dinners with my family.
Please enter me.
Sushi makes a good and interesting date night.
We like to go to a sports bar or local bar grill. Not to romantic, but it is quick and enjoyable
the old dinner and a movie
Just dinner :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
A homecooked meal is always frugal and romantic. You and your SO can also swap nights so no one is doing all the work. :) Thank you for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I've always loved going out for a movie..although, in the hard times of the economy right now, I still suggest a homecooked meal; much cheaper. But, man.. I cannot get over movie theatre popcorn...MMmmmmm! Thank you for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
A meal at home.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
dinner and dancing
A date night could be a nice spring walk around where you live at night, and have a good talk while walking , then go back home, snuggle up and watch a movie you both want to see. Thanks, Godesseablu@msn.com
We usually go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks work their magic!
Watching a movie on TV, or renting a movie is much cheaper than going to a theatre. PLUS, you can pause the movie. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
dinner and a movie
Add my name in the giveaway, please.
We like dinner and a movie
Dinner and bookstore (which I usually prefer)
I follow you in google reader!
Dinner out followed by coffee at at bookstore is a fave evening of mine.
this is a great giveaway, and a great date night is bowling or mini golf or something fun and silly like that
I follow your blog
Dinner and a movie works for me Wendi! Please enter me in this contest.
Date night for my husband and I is rare, but when we do go out we usually get dinner. I love Italian food. I know it's not that original of a date night idea.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm following your blog.
Your teaser makes me want this book. Enter my name. My husband and I still love a good movie.
Count me in, especially after your teaser.
My date night suggestion:
You should both go for massages together at a spa. Spend soem quality time together and with yourselves and come re-charged.
Or a nice Italian dinner always works :)
I am already a follower too, but you know that chick!
jennygirl73 AT gmail DOT com
Please enter me. (My email is connected to my profile.)
Okay -- well, I thought my email was connected on my profile. I guess not. Very sorry about that. In the off chance that I do win a copy of the book, you can just leave a comment on my blog (http://dwell-in-possibility.blogspot.com/), because I'll get that via email.
Ok, I'm entering again, YAY! Another thing I like to do is go for long walks through the park on my dates.
Count me in, too.
I'm a follower.
For date night, we love to pick up Chinese food and watch a movie at home (when it's cold enough, in front of the fire).
I think a quick date night is just going out to eat without the kids to any place that gives you a menu at your table.
allaboutkimberly AT gmail DOT com
Does it have to be night? Sometimes a great date day is going by the grocery, gabbing a few deli items, and taking them to a free state park. It's always nice to get out into nature. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
A good date night is a home cooked meal, where he shows that he really knows you and what you like.
A quick date would be going out for ice cream. Fun , cheap, and quick!
Thanks for this giveaway. dinner out is a real treat and the time I cherish greatly with my husband.
Oh what a fun book and a fun contest!
A great date night is playing Wii Fit with my fiancee. We love trying to out do one another.
We go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks work their magic!
It's always great fun, and not too terribly expensive to go out for bowling. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
A night at the theatre with dinner.
I remembered today about the daily entry! Another fun thing to do on dates is go on a picnic.
We usually go to a sushi bar
Hmmm... I'm not from US nor Canada. =( But I'll try looking for this one in the bookstore. =)
It's good fun to go to a local bookstore to peruse with your date, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, read, and share what you're reading. Cheap, too! :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
Aquick date night for hubby and I is to take in a movie. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
Dinner and drinks at your favorite restaurant.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
We usually go to a sushi bar - we'll be going for Valentines Day!
It's always good fun to find free, local events going on for a date. Recently, our public library had a show featuring live Zimbabwean music. I regret I didn't go, but that makes for an interesting, frugal date. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for reminding me on twitter.
Let's see...I think someone mentioned bowling. I have to second that. Going bowling is great date fun!
As dorky as it may seem, I love hanging out at the bookstore. My boyfriend and I love to go in together, find a book to read (and plan on buying!) and then wander around with coffee. Always fun :)
Thanks for the chance! :)
Megan -- writing.meg [at] gmail.com
Picnics at the beach - hands down!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
We don't get a lot of date opportunities but when we were both working from home we would take a lunch together whenever we could. It was REALLY nice to take a break during the day with the guy you married.
I blogged about it here:
I really want to read this book! A quick date night idea would be taking a night watch on the beach. I'm following you, and I've linked to your contest in my sidebar on my blog. Thank you!
stephxsu at gmail dot com
Our date night for tonight: Perkins! It's a cheaper-end of a sit down restaurant, certainly NOT $100 a plate for Valentine's Day, and it's special because it was where we had our first date. A lot of cheaper restaurants are running valentines specials today, that's much better than a fancy place. If we had one near-by I really wanted to do White Castle by candlelight! lol Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
I like going to the park.
I'm a follower.
Sushi is great! =)
I already follow.
Giveaway posted on my giveaway links page here...
I like to go somewhere quiet and gaze at the stars.
nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com
nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com
movie and popcorn...the super buttery kind!
A quick idea can be a scenic drive with good music. :)
I follow :)
I'm back to enter again. A trip to the bookstore! Awesome date.
It's always fun to go out and see a local play. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
A quick date idea could be going to a local sports match of some type.
scrabble and popcorn
Wish I found out about this giveaway earlier! Anyways, if this was on a warm, summer night, I'd love to just go outside on a deck or grass or something and put down a blanket and look up at the stars with a significant other ;)
Now a follower!
We usually go to a sushi bar and watch the cooks do their art.
Wow, I am kind of sad I discovered this contest the day before it's over! Haha but the book sounds great. Count me in!
I'm a follower also!
Wow, I am totally forgetting the main part! Sorry! But I think a good night date would be snowboarding!
my husband likes to go to dinner and then a dance
Going out to dinner is a quick date.
13rubberducks [at] gmail.com
When we want a quick date night (which is all we get since we have young children) we go out for sushi and a trip to the bookstore.
Chinese food and Wii bowling; loser must set the pins, if you get my continental drift!
Pizza and no tv. Lol. Just a quiet evening of talking and eating and enjoying each other.
Last day to enter! We often do a night at the movies for dates. Not very original, sorry!
We love going out for sushi
Walking followed by a nice lunch!
Thanking you for posting such a wonderful review. My hubby and I work at the same location. We often go for lunch time walks and have a picnic lunch on nice days. Thank you once again. ~ Amy (amyinkamloops *AT* gmail.com)
How about take out from your favorite restaurant, rent a good movie, and sit back with your favorite drink and dinner and watch the move while you dine.
Play some video games.
I'm such an astronomy nerd that I subscribe to an email list keeping me up-to-date on meteor showers, lunar eclipses, etc. It's always fun to drag my boyfriend out into a spot in the country, and watch the free shows that the universe puts on for us. :) Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
DH and I love going to a comedy club for our dates.
Star gazing and a bottle of wine! ~ :) Thanks for the giveaway!
sounders68 [at] gmail.com
I like doing things where we can interact. Bowling, amusement park, frisbee golf, etc, then cheap eats.
heatherpooh (hotmail)
A great date night is a quick jaunt to the local Fresh Market, picking up some fine wine and great food to cook together in the kitchen.
Go to a game-hockey, basketball, baseball, football,etc. high school, college or pros. garrettsambo@aol.com
this time of year a nice iceskating date would be cool then going out for bi juicy bacon burgers and hot cocoa :)
following your blog as klp1965@myfairpoint.net kathy pease
The best date for me who inculde boiled crawfish & dancing!
Hmm... I'd say a night of Wii and pizza would be sweet.
Our date night is just watching TV and cuddling. We do not need much to make us happy. Thank you.
A pizza and a movie, is fine with me. Looks like a good book. Thanks for having the contest!
a nice meal and conversation:)
A great date has to include some dancing and maybe a drink or two. Followed by a long walk on a quiet street.
Dinner and a movie works for me. You can go fairly cheap for the dinner, but don't even think of skimping on the popcorn! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
I like to go out for dinner, maybe sushi or pasta.
We like to go to a basketball
game.Its fun and we take the metro
to get there.
I am a follower(Swtlilchick)
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