My Answer: I do have a few duplicates around the house (The Holy Bible certainly has mulitples, some family bibles, some received as gifts over the years!!), but they are not listed on LT as I'm using that to catalog the books coming in, and I didn't thing to add a second copy of The Heretic's Daughter to it. (I won one after the publisher sent me a copy).
Otherwise, I do have a few duplicates: (mostly children's classics that I've got early hardback editions with cloth covers, and wanted to be able to read a less "classic" copy, so purchased another version; I do have a few series books that I accidentally picked up a second copy thinking it was the next in the series)
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
Five Little Peppers by Margaret Sidney
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
~ Wendi
The bible! That's a good one.
I completely forgot about the Bible being a duplicate (I guess I just don't think of that as "a" book - it's in a different category in my mind).
I didn't count Bibles either. In fact they did not even come up on my duplicate list for some reason.
The only duplicates we have are The Bible and dictionaries.
Oh I forgot about the bible. I think we have several of them around the house.
Wendi have a wonderful week. =)
I usually don't have multiples unless it's a mistake.
Hope you have a great week!
I completely forgot about the Bibles. I have a few too, although I don't have them listed in LT, and so completely forgot about them. I think we have four in the house. A Good News Bible and then one each that belonged to my husband before we met and then an extra one my husband picked up somewhere.
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