We read, and then we write reviews that we plan to share with our friends . . . and with all of cyberspace! :) A lot of us participate in meme's and link exchanges in order to help bring new visitors to our sites. That said, this Thinger was inspired by a few posts within Library Thing, where I have seen a lot of people asking how to share their reviews and giveaways. I thought that if people were talking within the groups, we might as well discuss it here too.
I've seen plenty of threads throughout Library Thing (and other places) asking about how bloggers share their reviews outside their normal readers, and a few threads dedicated to sharing reviews, like Arc Junkies: Two Pennies for Your Thoughts. There are also plenty of posts dedicated to sharing contests and giveaways, such as Arc Junkies: The All-New Blog Contests Thread, and Bloggers: Book Giveaways.
Today's question: Do you post links to your reviews? Here on Library Thing, or anywhere else? How else do you like to promote your site?
My Answer: I started blogging to catalogue the books I'm reading, and to share my thoughts with others. I quit my "day-job" in Corporate America in order to stay home with our baby, and blogging is one adult way I like to connect to the outside world - so thanks to all my bloggy buddies! :) (I also love to read great new books!)
I seem to be really behind on posting my reviews. I generally post them on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Library Thing, GoodReads and sometimes Christian Books. As far as links, I try to post links to my reviews in the Arc Junkies thread of LT, and on the Saturday reviews at Semicolon.
As far as giveaways, I like to post at Library Thing in the Arc Junkies group, ContestGirl, Online-Sweepstakes, and Twisted Branches.
Finally, I just started participating in a meme-type weekly posting that I call This Week in Books, it seems to be a great way to discover new blogs and read some great new reviews, as well as letting me support some other great bloggers!
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
If you are new to Tuesday Thingers: Welcome! The meme was originally created as a way to network with other bloggers and to learn about Library Thing! I'd like to encourage you to join us. If you don't know what Library Thing is - you are in a great place to learn about new things, and if you are an old pro, stick around and share your wealth of information! Visit Library Thing here. To join in, copy the picture and question into your post and link back here so people can read other responses. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post so we can stop by! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave a comment here!
Wow, I might be the first one here! That can't be right, can it? Anyway, these were good questions. Here's my answer.
Great Question Wendi! Thanks for sharing the sites you post your giveaways at. I've not heard of them except for Online-Sweepstakes. I got an onslaught of hits and entries for a few of my giveaways when they got posted there somehow. My post is HERE.
Now I am third! If I wrote faster or stopped reading other stuff that I happened upon...
but even so, HERE is my answer this week.
Great question this week, Wendi!
My answer!
Great contest promotion links thanks!
Here's mine this week, including a video of Emmy this time.
Good question, Wendi! I think I need to create a checklist for myself, if I want to get into a routine of posting links to my reviews at various sites.
Here's my answer for this week!
Great question - here's my answer
I'm up here! You're doing a great job with questions, Wendi. =)
I'm finally back home and hopefully will be for a while, so I can get back in the TT habit.
Here is mine!
Tuesday Thingers on Friday, as usual :-).
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