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Friday, January 9, 2009

Sticky: Two Weeks Of Health (Physical and Mental) and Beauty to Bring in the New Year!

I'm going to do something special over the next two weeks. I'm going to focus on reviewing some great Health and Beauty books to help bring in the New Year and support New Year's Resolutions. I sure hope you will join me in making 2009 a healthier and happier year!

Visit often as I will try add reviews daily! Here is what I've got posted so far:

Get Positively Beautiful by Carmindy
The Beauty Prescription by Debra Luftman, M.D. and Eva Ritvo, M.D.
Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown
Breathing Space by Katrina Repka and Alan Finger
Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life by Cherie Calbom, MS with John Calbom, MA
UltraLongevity by Mark Liponis, MD
Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs
The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer by Chantel Hobbs

Special note: I began planning this mid-November, and received some great support by publishers to make this happen. . . . I was amazed at some of the great books I received, and astounded at some of the things I learned while getting reviews ready for you.

I expected to have fun and try to encourage you in becoming healthier in 2009. Little did I realize that I would read many life-altering books that would greatly impact my self-confidence, health and sense of well-being (in a good way, of course!).

I hope that some of you will join me in reading these wonderful books, and come back to let me know what you think and how the books impact you.

~ Wendi


kalea_kane said...

Awesome, Wendi! I really enjoyed yout review yesterday! :)

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Although it's not really a Health and Beauty book, it's a Health book, and a very, very good one, I wanted to recommend The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. It's one of the best book I've ever read about health and diet, and I just thought maybe you'd like to check it out.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, Wendi! Thanks for visiting. I am now Following! :-D


The Bookworm said...

great idea wendi!

Kaye said...

Hi Wendi, I have given you the Butterfly award so please stop by and pick up the award logo, etc

AmyK said...

I read an average of 200 pages a day... I love to read! I am so excited to dig into your site and find out what you are up to! We definatly have this in common!

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