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Friday, January 9, 2009

HUGE Health and Beauty Book Giveaway: 20+ Books, 20+ Winners!

Over the past few weeks, I've gotten to review some great Health and Beauty books to help bring in the New Year! Now, with the help of Hachette Books and Random House/WaterBrook Press, I'd like to invite you to join me in making 2009 a healthier and happier year!

Hachette Books is allowing me to give away 5 copies of each of these books:
Get Positively Beautiful by Carmindy
Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown
Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life by Cherie Calbom, MS with John Calbom, MA
UltraLongevity by Mark Liponis, MD

AND Random House / WaterBrook Press sent me a set of Chantel Hobbs' books to include in the giveaway:

Never Say Diet by Chantel Hobbs
The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer by Chantel Hobbs

Additionally, I reviewed these books, but do not currently have copies to include in the giveaway:

The Beauty Prescription by Debra Luftman, M.D. and Eva Ritvo, M.D.
Breathing Space by Katrina Repka and Alan Finger

You can enter this giveaway daily!!!

To be included in the giveaway:
1. Leave a comment here and include a quick health or beauty tip and your email (be sure to let me know if there is a particular book you would like to win - I can't promise you will get your #1 choice, but I will try) (1 entry daily)
2. Leave a thoughtful comment on any of the reviews (links above) (2 entries each)
3. Post a link to the giveaway on your blog and report it here (1 entry)
4. Become a follower and leave a comment here (or "remind" me you are already a follower so I know you want to be included in this giveaway) (1 entry)

The drawing will be held Wednesday January 28th. Winners: I will send you each an email, you will need to reply with your address so I can forward it to the publisher or send the book directly to you. In the event that a winner does not respond, I will go to the next name in the drawing and notify them.

This giveaway is open to residents within the United States and Canada, but books will NOT be shipped to PO Boxes.

~ Wendi


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Heather said...

Can't find time to exercise? I run/bike and workout in 10-15 minute bursts. (I have a treadmill and exercise bike) I try to fit in two bike/runs a day. That easily keeps me in great cardiovascular shape.

Please enter me for Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown!

Thanks. I love all your reviews!

mverno said...

simple get the right amount of sleep

wendy wallach said...

I would like the Bobbi Brown book if chosen...

Quick beauty tip? Rub feet with vaseline and put on old sweatsocks before going to bed. Beats the most expensive feet cream for softness.

madmerkf at aol dot com

Miss Spoken said...

Use highlighter at the inner corner of your eyes to brighten them

Anonymous said...

beauty tip: Use Vaseline as a quick and effective makeup remover.


Anonymous said...

i love home remedies.. not sure where i read this.. but tried it and loved it.. steam your face over simmering water and laurel leaves(bay leaves), it really refreshes the skin

Jess said...

Definitely get enough sleep, and use a moisturizer before bed. Facial soaps can still dry out sensitive skin. The Bobbi Brown and Carmindy books look the most interesting to me.


janeh said...

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser is great for washing your face, and for removing eye makeup. I've used it for years and would never use anything else for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

A homemade mask is a great way to lighten your skin and a good excuse to kick back on the couch. Try using one once a week. Use one tablespoon of each of the following: sandalwood paste, lemon juice, tomato juice, and cucumber juice. Mix them all together to form a paste. Spread the mixture on your face and wait until it dries. Rinse and moisturize for a natural glow.

Denise S. said...

Eat as much of your diet as fruits and vegetables as possible.

linett said...

I always have Vaseline handy in the winter for chapped lips, works great

valerie2350 said...

quick tip - walk whenever possible instead of driving :)

valerie2350 said...

follower :)

elenalecue said...

My beauty tip: put some lip gloss on your cheeks - you get a wonderful color and a shimmer, plus you economize on blush!

I'd love to win the Bobbi Brown book


elenalecue at gmail dot com

Eddie said...

I have been using Pond's Cold cream for everything to do with my skin since I was a teenager (I'm late 30s now). It is, for my dry skin and my kids, hands-down the best and least expensive product around!

turboterp said...

Always take the stairs! You'll be surprised how those extra steps add up!

Anonymous said...

Always get enough sleep every night.


Anonymous said...

I would like the Get Positively Beautiful book but the Bobbi Brown would be okay too!

My tip: Brush vaseline on eyelashes to create longer/fuller lashes!

email: purple1me@yahoo.ca

Simply Stacie said...

Health tip...drink a cup of hot lemon juice each morning on an empty stomach. Its great for cleansing.

I like the Ultralongevity book...actually I like them all LOL.

Simply Stacie said...

I follow your blog and subscribe.

snowmermaid said...

I drink chilled water with a lemon slice or mint all day long in a beautiful stemed glass I change out. It encourages me to drink water and not unhealthy drinks.

eluckstead said...

Never go outside without sunscreen lotion on your face and neck. Put it on under your makeup daily, unless your foundation has sunscreen.


I agree sunscreen even in the winter- get the kids used to it too chantal hobbs never say diet first or the detx

darbyscloset said...

I am a follower!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

darbyscloset said...

I have the Bobbie Brown book, yet would devour any of the remaining Hatchett books eagerly!
I can't believe you have read and reviewed all these books since you started on your Health & Beauty "mission" : )
Thanks so much for this offer!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

darbyscloset said...

Whoops, I forgot my beauty tip...when your mascurra runs low, run the tube under hot water. This causes the mascurra to "melt" and it comes loose from the sides. Also clean your mascurra wand by running it under hot water as well.
Happy Long Lashes!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

banquetbabe said...

easy, get lots of sleep

Anonymous said...

Use alot of hair conditioner on your hair if it is dry. Don't be shy about glopping it on!!


any of the books would be OK in my book (pun intended :-)!!!)

LissaL said...

Easy-Don't smoke. It ages you, inside & out.(This I know (sadly) from experience)
My Book of choice:UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You
Thanks for another great giveaway Wendi!

LissaL said...

I left a review for Breathing Spaces on January 1 & plan on hopefully checking out the book this weekend.

LissaL said...

Yes I am a follower!

LissaL said...

Posted a link on my blog/twitter
hopefully will actually blog tomorrow-been a crazy 2 days,lol!

danosor said...

Avoid using elevators,avoid using cars if you can walk there and cut down on sugars and salt.

The Bumbles said...

I got motivated by quitting smoking and going to the gym with someone else every time to make sure I wasn't leaving someone else high and dry. I actually write about my gym thoughts each week - hope you stop by to enjoy them. I think your giveaway is a wonderful idea.

The Giveaway Diva said...

i'd love the bobbi brown one!

my tip is to use honey on ur lips before bed! it makes it nice and soft!

Anonymous said...

wow great giveaway! my beauty tip is to use orange juice from a fresh orange as toner! i'd love the bobbi brown or carmindy's book!


silverbele said...

I like to use a base under my mascara for longer eyelashes.

eluckstead said...

Avoid soda, drink plenty of plain water!

Jess said...

Drink lots of water! If you think it tastes bad, filll a pitcher of water with some lemon or orange slices in it.


denyse said...

Always wear a daily moisturizer w/ an SPF of 15 or better.

abeaudet said...

Don't forget the sunscreen!

sweetsue said...

I would be happy with any of the books! A quick tip I have is to eat a small piece of fruit before each meal to fill up.

sweetsue said...

I just became a follower!

Jenna said...

get enough sleep! Thanks for the giveaway! Also wear sunscreen to avoid wrinkles!

409cope said...

I always wash all makeup off thoroughly before bed. I would love to win the the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Yvonne said...

Hi Wendi,

Just wanted you to know that I awarded you the Lemonade Award. Stop by my blog to check it out. http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/

darbyscloset said...

I have the Bobbie Brown book yet any of the other 3 Hatchett is offering would be great! Health tip...put Vick's Vabor Rub on the soles of your feet, cover with socks and go to bed. Helps to stop the coughing in the middle of the night that keeps you up.
Thanks so much
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Tina said...

Thank you for the great blog award! My tip? Pilates and Yoga faithfully.

etrnlone said...

i do the seven minute exercize and eat healthy- if done daily you hav'nt lost a lot of time and you will see results and feel healthier.

Anonymous said...

When you have static in your hair rub lotion on your hands, completely in!!, then rub your hands in your hair. This will calm the static and make your hair smell good!!! I use this trick all the time and would definately recomend it. If I were to win this contest I would prefer the book---
Bobbi Brown Make-up Manual Please and Thank you

-Loren Coleman


Rhonda said...

I exercise during commercial breaks when watching tv.

Unknown said...

My favorite exercise tip is when going shopping or runing errands I park in the way end of the parking lot so I have to take a mini walk, but it doesn't feel like walking much but if I have alot of errands to do its a quick way to get some walking in. Thanks for entering me all these books sound wonderful!

turboterp said...

My beauty tip is: wear sunscreen every single day no matter what the weather. Your skin will thank you in years to come!

Sara said...

If you are trying to snack less...whenever you have a craving, brush your teeth instead. It works for me.

Also blogged about it here:3

Carolyn G said...

I think I would like the Never say diet book

janetfaye said...

My health tip: Drink a full glass of water before eating to feel fuller.

I would like to win Never Say Diet.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I think a healthy lifestyle brings out your beauty from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

I have the Bobbi Brown book and it is AWESOME!A

My beauty tip. use baking soda as your facial exfoliant. it is the BEST!

I would love the juice detox book. but I am not picky.

karissag at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Ok i am sold. If I can feel more beautiful in a just few pages as you did, from ready the beauty prescription I have to have it!

Great review! sold!

karissag at gmail.com

eluckstead said...

Always have water handy, and try to drink 8 glasses a day. I don't count any caffeinated drinks except green tea in my water count. Start each meal with a glass of water.

idahomom said...

Drink lots of water

abeaudet said...

Sunscreen is so important, for men as well as women. There are greaseless "dry" formulas available.

Jess said...

Walk everywhere, and don't park immediately next to the door unless you're going to be carrying heavy stuff out. It's a little thing that seriously helps.

(I'd go for the Bobbi Brown book!)


trishden said...

Can't stress enough the importance of a vitamin D suppliment. One should be taking 1000 ius. I had a deficiency and felt like poo for a good year and a half. The doctor says that it is quite common. So everyone take your vitamin D-3. Would love the Never Say Diet Book, thanks!

trishden said...

I'm a blog follower!

Karen said...

Count me in please.

I work out 5 times per week at the gym - I don't make excuses, if it's important to you, you'll find time - I have a 3 year old and a 13 year old.... so I know about time limitations, but my health and being around for my family is very important to me !!

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Elena Rosenberg Wearable Fiber Art said...

My health tip -- eat more organically grown food!

My pick is the makeup manual :)

denyse said...

Drink lots of water.

mindy said...

lemon juice adds shine to your hair

sweetsue said...

Taking a multi-vitamin everyday helps you got all nutrients. I would be happy with any of these great books!

Unknown said...

My tip is to make sure to sleep the amount your body finds necessary.

My choice of books are:
1. Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown
2. Either one of the Chantel Hobbs.


traveler said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
Walk, walk and more walks. Each and everyday. Costs nothing, is healthy and invigorating, uplifts your mood and is great for muscles, heart and bones.
Would enjoy Ultralongevity.

Kelly H said...

My health tip is to eat breakfast so that you aren't starving by lunchtime and are able to make better choices throughout the day.

I would love the Chantel Hobbs Personal Fitness book.

guru said...

Drink plenty of water.
I would choose one of the "Never say diet" books.

anne said...

Excellent and helpful giveaway. Thanks so much.
Eat plenty of fibre which is filling and healthful.
The Carmindy book looks great.

ruth said...

Delightful giveaway which I appreciate.
It is a good idea to use weights as well as cardio. Builds strengh and muscle and bones.
The diet or beauty books are lovely.

danosor said...


abeaudet said...

Always wear sunscreen.

eluckstead said...

Stay hydrated! I start with green tea, and keep drinking hot/warm water with a slice of meyer lemon.

arrowheadmac said...

Use a good facial moisturizer nightly. It may take some time to find the right one for you but it makes a good deal of difference to the look and feel of your skin.
Any of these books would be a great read!

The Merry Death said...

Take the stairs if able. Use tea bags on your eyes for puffiness.

Smooshy said...

eat organic!

ABCD Diaries said...

drink lots of water:)

denyse said...

Excersize on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Drink water with Apple cider vinegar and honey. Its great for cleansing.

intensev5 said...

I would like to win the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown or the Never say Diet book. My tip would be to only wash your face once a day and try to exercise daily --- even just go for a 15-20 min walk.

Think about it said...

I always wash my face before i go to bed.

darbyscloset said...

Okay I'd like one of the Hachette books, except I have the Bobbie Brown book, so one of the three remaining.
Beauty tip:
Put an alazer(sp?) tab in a glass and let it dissolve then dip your hairbrush into the glass and leave the brush there for an hr or so. The solution eats away all of the hairspray and gunk build up on your brush and leaves your brush nice and clean.
Thanks for the giveaway!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

my health tip is to take multivitamins daily

plur268 at yahoo dot com

hannah said...

My best beauty tip is to always wear sexy underwear, (it makes you feel good, even though no one can see it) and always put a little make-up on (even if your not going out anywhere!) It just makes you feel beautiful.
I would love to win the book "get positively beautiful" by Carmindy!

yadgirl said...

If you must drink coffee, make sure you drink twice as much water so you stay hydrated.

I'd like Breathing Space.

Anonymous said...

My tip is to get up and move. Exercise and proper breathing is absolutely essential to good health.

Rose said...

Make sure your always hydrated. :)

Tara said...

Use a different shampoo once every month or so. It gets rid of the buildup from your regular shampoo.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win 'Breathing Space'

My beauty/health tip is the use of Coconut oil - it is such a versatile product - I use it as a lip balm, moisturizer, makeup remover and its great for cooking too!

atomikgurl at hotmail dot com

sweetsue said...

Baking soda makes an inexpensive teeth whitener.
smchester at gmail dot com

ModernDayNomads said...

Vitamin E keeps your skin and internal organs supple beyond your years.

I'd love the juicer book...

Anonymous said...

Eat organic foods at every opportunity.

ky2here said...

Drink lots and lots of water. Make homemade juice weekly and freeze it for daily portions.

Anonymous said...

try your best to switch your skin care over to natural products. most skincare products contain fillers and preservatives that are very harsh and age your skin

karissag at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

eat lots of green, yellow, red and orange foods each day, and use goat's milk soap - it doesn't take the moisture from your skin, but replenishes it instead.

Anonymous said...

Eat more vegetables, such as sweet baby carrots, chopped celery, etc..

I would love to win Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual.

museumgal said...

join a rec league like rec soccer, rec hockey, etc. Friends, fun and definitely lots of exercise

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Love to win any of those awesome books.

Beauty makeup tip-Always blot your just applied lipstick and than put on a new coat of lipstick. On top of that lipstick than place some gold colored gloss in the middle of your bottom lip. It makes your lips look full and sexy.

abeaudet said...

Sleep enough, and drink enough water. Sometimes the second interferes with the first, so drink early, okay!

Anonymous said...

If your hair is looking or feeling dry try using some conditioner before you shampoo your hair. Put the conditioner onto dry hair, let it soak in a bit, then shampoo and condition as usual. This works for me when my hair dries out in the summer or winter.

I'd love to win the Bobbi Brown or Carmindy books.

veggiegirl at rock dot com

eluckstead said...

Take care of your teeth!
A healthy, confident smile diminishes all flaws.
This means regular dental care, routine brushiing and flossing, and some whitening strips occasionally.

abeaudet said...

Check your posture!
Don't walk into a party still hunched like you're at the computer!

denyse said...

Sleep- it affects how you look!!!! They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing.

arrowheadmac said...

Don't skip breakfast. Doing so can result in weight gain and who wants that!
I'd like to read "Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life".

Anonymous said...

Cheap way to exercise. Use can goods (i.e. sweet corn, string beans, sweet peas, etc..) in place of dumbells to strengthen arm muscles.

I would love to win Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown.

etrnlone said...

thanks for such a great contest
drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, when you exercize

Anonymous said...

Drink green tea 3X's a day, & use Splenda whenever you need sugar in something

danosor said...

Get lots of rest by having a good night's sleep.

silverhartgirl said...

Drink lots of water

Anonymous said...

sunscreen helps your skin but wearing a hat or a visor helps even more!

karissag at gmail.com

abeaudet said...

Follow a healthy diet. Don't JUST stay low calorie, be sure to get iron, calcium, and fiber!

eluckstead said...

Smile from the heart.
One of the best compliments I have received came from a Frenchman I dated. He said he liked me because I did not ever give him the "American smile." I asked what he meant and he said when most Americans smile, their mouth smiles, but their eyes do not!
A true smile warms the recipient, and will overcome many cosmetic flaws!

Anonymous said...

get lots of sleep and drink lots of water!!

Dani' said...

No tears baby shampoo gently removes mascara and other eye makeup!
I choose the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual

arrowheadmac said...

Have healty eating habits, ensuring your body receives all the needed vitamins and minerals. You will look and feel great.

Dani' said...

I am following

Dani' said...

blogged giveaway here

denyse said...

Drink lots of water.

LissaL said...

I posted a comment on your great review of:
"Never Say Diet"
I think this book will really be beneficial to all who need/read it!


LissaL said...

My beauty tip: Witch Hazel is a terrific & inexpensive skin toner.

My Book of choice:UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You


Anonymous said...

Beauty tip:

Your face expresses who you are, so make it as beautiful as you can.

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown

LissaL said...

I posted a link on my blog. You do not want to know how long it took for me to figure this out:)


Sunnyvale said...

Always use sunscreen

aajacques said...

My beauty tips are to use Cetaphil to wash your face. Use a senstitive lotion to remove eye makeup. Drink lots of water!!

I would love to win:Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life

Anonymous said...

Get fresh air every day. Take a walk in nature and enjoy the peace and quiet, the beautiful colors and sounds, and breathe deeply.

Anonymous said...

My tip of the day - if your lips get dry and flaky try rubbing a bit of toothpaste onto your lips with your toothbrush, this should rub away the dry stuff and leave you with very smooth lips.

I'd love to win the Bobbi Brown or Carmindy books.

veggiegirl at rock dot com

Anonymous said...

always eat a protein-filled breakfast

eluckstead said...

Every couple of months, take ten days to cleanse, drinking "lemonade" of Meyer lemon, water, molasses, and cayenne pepper. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Beautycare-Venus/2032/english/master_cleanser.html

Rhonda said...

Sleep, Sleep Sleep!

Please enter me for any of the books

arrowheadmac said...

Make sure to eat 3 to 5 servings of friuts and vegetables daily.

abeaudet said...

Pure drinking water and sunscreen are our best friends!

denyse said...

Always wear an SPF of at least 15.

rosannepm said...

Eat foods as close to the earth or the sea for maximum nutrition

rosannepm said...

I commented on the review at the Ultimate Longevity book

rosannepm said...

I commented on the Bobbo Brown makeup manual book

rosannepm said...

I'm a follower

LissaL said...

My beauty tip for the day: Brush your teeth with baking soda for a bright, white smile!

My Book of choice:UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You


LissaL said...

I made a comment on your review of
Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing For Life.

It is now my 2nd choice:)

kissmyirishlass at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I drink lots of water. I don't wear make-up.

abeaudet said...

Stand tall, and keep your posture when you sit, too!

arrowheadmac said...

One of the most wonderful skin care treatments is easily available to everyone, has side benefits that affects not just your rosy glow but your whole body. Its called water; drink lots!.

intensev5 said...

Get plenty of beauty rest!!! I would love to win the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown. thanks

Anonymous said...

Change your mascara every 3-5 months. It can start to irritate your eyes or cause infection after time.

eluckstead said...

Walk your way to fitness! Park near the lot exit, not the store door! Use the stairs, not the elevator, and take a few laps arond the store while inside!

denyse said...

drink lots of water

ydsddd said...

Use mayonnaise as a hair conditioner, leave on 5 minutes and rinse out.

LissaL said...

If you are not a make-up person (like myself) use tinted lip balm or lip gloss. It's an inexpensive way to brighten you smile/face!


Happi Shopr said...

stay hydrated - drink plenty of water. I'd love the juicing book. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

use deep breathing exercises and meditation to improve the circulation to your face and skin!!

darbyscloset said...

When not doing something with your hands, gently massage your cuticles with your finger tips. This stimulates your nails to grow, also helps your cuticles to stay healthy as well.
Now I've read a couple of reviews and the "wild card" on Carmindy and would like to read either of her books...so now I'm open for any of the books except the Bobbie Brown book, because I have it.
Thanks so much!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

abeaudet said...

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get your nutrients naturally.

Anonymous said...

take epsom salt baths regularlly to detox your whole body

karissag at gmail.com

eluckstead said...

Avoid eating out. They don't have to tell you how much fat, sodium, and preservative you're getting. Many chains prepare food centrally and send it out in giant cans and buckets!

arrowheadmac said...

Get out for a walk for at least 20 minutes a day,even in below zero temperatures. The fresh cold air will put some colour in your cheeks and make you feel great. I know. I live in the Maritimes. :)
"Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life" by Cherie Calbom would be my choice.

Amy said...

Beauty sleep. Sleep allows your body processes to slow down, its good for your brain, your body and your immune system.

I'd love ultarlongevity and if its not available then Get Positively Beautiful: The Ultimate Guide to Looking and Feeling Gorgeous (Hardcover

danosor said...

Sunscreen my dear,use sunscreen.

Anonymous said...

Getting enough fresh air, sunshine and Vitamin D is key to great skin. Then, cleanse, cleanse, cleanse

Karen said...

I'd get the bobbi brown book.

I always find time to exercise - you do have the time, you just have to make it a priority.

abeaudet said...

Support your skin--moisturize after each shower or bath.

Anonymous said...

If you have a bit of static in your hair try gently running a fabric softener sheet over your hair. I keep a Bounce sheet in my purse just for this purpose.

I'd love to win the Bobbi Brown or Carmindy books.

veggiegirl at rock dot com

eluckstead said...

Sunscreen takes only a minute, and down the road, you will be rewarded.

arrowheadmac said...

Strive to be happy. I'd like to read "Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life by Cherie" Calbom.

Karen said...

Count me in :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Take a walk around the block every day to keep your heart in good shape

ardy22 at earthlink.net

denyse said...

Make sure you get lots of sleep.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy nature. Go for a walk. Listen to the birds. Look at all the beautiful colors of nature. Watch the sunset. Breathe the fresh air and keep on walking one step at a time.

Anonymous said...

Drink plenty of water!


Lotus said...

Get plenty of sleep every night. It will perk up your energy, your mental prowess, your skin, your eyes and your personality!

abeaudet said...

"It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle" is catching on. People need to relearn how to eat, permanently, to keep pounds off. Otherwise, dieting is deprivation, and the pounds will come back after the goal is met and the diet ends.

arrowheadmac said...

Use a special eye cream that contains a moisturizer. It can update the cells damaged so the process of wrinkles can be slowed. It's never too early or too late!
I'd like to read "Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life by Cherie" Calbom.

eluckstead said...

Cleanliness is next to godliness...for a glowing countenance, completely remove all makeup before retiring to bed, scrub, and moisturize.

Karen said...

Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.

ktgonyea at gmail.com

denyse said...

Find time for a work out at least 5 times a week.

imaclutz89 said...

Eat the most important meal of the day every day (breakfast). It will energize you for the day and actually decrease the actually help you lose weight.


Anonymous said...

baking soda is an awesome facial scrub and doesn't hurt your skin!

karissag at gmail.com

danosor said...


LissaL said...

I don't eat fish- so I recommend taking a fish oil supplement, along with a multivitamin & flaxseed oil supplement as well. You will notice a difference in how you feel & how you look.

stacey dempsey said...

i liek the breathing space book drink and eat ginger sooo good for soo many things and walk walk walk

abeaudet said...

When choosing a hairstyle, don't just copy your favorite star or the current trend. Have your stylist consider your face shape and recommend a flattering variation, if need be.

eluckstead said...

Sunscreen is your best friend! Wear SPF 15 or greater, even on cloudy days. Wear hats when gardening, too!

arrowheadmac said...

Include fibre rich foods in your diet.
I'd choose "Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life" by Cherie Calbom

denyse said...

Take viamins daily

djgroz said...

Always put your face makeup on in an upward movement, keeps your face looking younger

imaclutz89 said...

Drink lots of water to help make your skin look better.

Anonymous said...

Deep breathing as well as long walks outside in nature are the keys to better health and beauty.

Anonymous said...

the juicing book

when your skin is really dry, gently exfoliate with a washcloth in the shower, then apply a natural body oil (not petroleum based) then apply your favorite lotion over the top. it seals it in and helps keep you nice and moisturized!
karissag at gmail.com

abeaudet said...

I just read the review of Ultra Lonevity, which stresses support of one's immune system. I had not thought of that before, and am anxious to see the details of the proposed program. Should I win, that would be an excellent choice to send me.

eluckstead said...

Pomegranates are very rich in antioxidants. The juice is a bit tart, but here's a tasty sorbet:
Put 2 cups pom juice, 2 cups simple syrup, 2 tablespoons lime juice, and 2 tablespoons pomegranate liqueur into an ice cream machine and process 45 minutes or until well set up, then freeze 4 hours.

Gretchen Geyer said...

I have trouble with bags and dark circles under my eyes so, sometimes I use just a dot of Preparation H under my eyes...a little strange, I know, but hey if it works...

Please enter me to win the Never Say Diet book! Thank you :)

arrowheadmac said...

Drink at least 8 glasse of water a day.
"Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life" by Cherie Calbom would be my choice.

sweetsue said...

I rub a little vaseline on my skin before I take a shower. My skin comes out very soft! I would be happy with any of the books.
smchester at gmail dot com

Ksnow222 said...

wear sunscreen on your face even if the sun isn't out.

denyse said...

Drink lots of water and work out on a regular basis.

imaclutz89 said...

Use neutral eyeshadow if you are wearing red lipstick.

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