Today's question: Have you ever used the Swap This Book function which can be found on the main page of any book (here is an example of Flirting With Forty by Jane Porter: link shown on book page, what it looks like if you click on the link)? If so, what do you think about it? If not, are there any other swap sites you utilize to exchange books once you are done? What do you do with your books if you no longer want them anymore?
My Answer: I was adding a book to my library recently (or looking for a book I just received), and noticed the Swap This Book link, so I went back to check it out. I have never used this function of Library Thing, but found that it was amazing to see where books were available for a certain title, and where they were wanted. I also finally learned a little about Bookmooch!
While I am not familiar with the Swap This Book feature of LT, or many of the other swap sites listed on the linked page, I have used PaperBack Swap. I love the ease of listing books, earning credits, printing postage/labels, and requesting new books. :)
As far as what I do with books once I read them, if I LOVE them, they get added to my VERY full bookcase. If I thought they were good and a friend might want to read them, I share. If I have an ARC I no longer want, I plan to list it on LT under the ARC Junkies Group topic for ARC's you no longer want. I have not gotten rid of any of the books I receive to review yet. I've been trying to decide what to do with them as I do not want to make any money selling them. That said, I do plan to swap a few at a swap site, or trade on LT.
Looking forward to reading everyone's answers!!
~ Wendi
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I am 1st!!! Great question & great feature on LibraryThing-thanks:)
Yet another LT feature I knew nothing about! I really need to do more exploring. Here's my answer.
My answer is now up. Great question - it allowed me to make an exciting discovery!
I could have been first except now my blog site is blocked on the computers at work. It ain't fair! True, it is work but still.... ;-)
But here is my answer, right here!!
I didn't know about this feature either. Mine is up...
Another Great question Wendi! I had never noticed this feature but love to swap books. My answer is
Another great question Wendi! Here's my answer.
I'm slow this morning. My post is here. Thanks, Wendi!
Good question! My answer is here.
My answer! Sorry I missed last week. This feature isn't particularly interesting to me, but I'm glad we're exploring everything out there. Thanks Wendi!
Mine's up here:
Thanks for reminding me, Wendi!
I love swapping books! My answer is here.
Just posted my answer here!
My answer is up!
Great question... Find my answer HERE
Here's mine!
I've been watching the inauguration events, so I'm late posting this today.
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